Race & Ethic Relations: American and Global Perspectives 10th edition/Cengage  Chapter’s 1 & 2 • Chapter One discusses the ideology and function of racism; how did the chapter explain racism and its initial introduction into society? Why is the minority group considered inferior?  Chapter’s 3 & 4 • Describe the difference between prejudice and discrimination. How does that relate to assimilation and pluralism when discussing race relations?  Chapter’s 5 & 6 • What are the foundations of the American ethnic hierarchy and how are Native Americans apart of that trajectory?  Chapter 7 • Explain what the book means by the Black minority? From the readings and explanations giving how did Blacks become labeled the disparity within every sector of society and the lesser than statistic on the social hierarchy of other racial groups?

Race & Ethic Relations: American and Global Perspectives
10th edition/Cengage

 Chapter’s 1 & 2

• Chapter One discusses the ideology and function of racism; how did the chapter explain racism and its initial introduction into society? Why is the minority group considered inferior?

 Chapter’s 3 & 4

• Describe the difference between prejudice and discrimination. How does that relate to assimilation and pluralism when discussing race relations?

 Chapter’s 5 & 6
• What are the foundations of the American ethnic hierarchy and how are Native Americans apart of that trajectory?

 Chapter 7
• Explain what the book means by the Black minority? From the readings and explanations giving how did Blacks become labeled the disparity within every sector of society and the lesser than statistic on the social hierarchy of other racial groups?


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