Task Gather secondary evidence related to a research question in order to evaluate the claim. Develop your research question based on a number of possible claims provided by your teacher. Evidence must be obtained by researching scientifically credible sources, such as scientific journals, books by well-credentialed scientists and websites of governments, universities, independent research bodies or science and technology manufacturers. Research conventions must be adhered to. To complete this task you must ● select a claim to be evaluated ● identify the relevant scientific concepts associated with the claim ● pose a research question addr


Gather secondary evidence related to a research question in order to evaluate the claim. Develop your research question based on a number of possible claims provided by your teacher.

Evidence must be obtained by researching scientifically credible sources, such as scientific journals, books by well-credentialed scientists and websites of governments, universities, independent research bodies or science and technology manufacturers. Research conventions must be adhered to.

To complete this task you must

● select a claim to be evaluated

● identify the relevant scientific concepts associated with the claim

● pose a research question addressing an aspect of the claim

● conduct research to gather scientific evidence that may be used to address the research question and subsequently evaluate the claim
● analyse the data to identify sufficient and relevant evidence

● identify the trends, patterns or relationships in the evidence

● analyse the evidence to identify limitations

● interpret the evidence to construct justified scientific arguments

● interpret the evidence to form a justified conclusion to the research question

● discuss the quality of the evidence

● evaluate the claim by extrapolating the findings of the research question to the claim
● suggest improvements and extensions to the investigation

● communicate findings in an appropriate scientific genre, i.e. scientific essay

Physics — IA3 Page 3 2021 – 2022


Term 2, Week 3 Lesson 1 Hand out Research Investigation.

Term 2, Week 4 Lesson 3 Research question and data due for approval.

Term 2, Week 5 Lesson 3 Rationale progress check.

Term 2, Week 6 Lesson 3 Analysis and interpretation of evidence progress check.

Term 2, Week 7 Lesson 3 Evaluation and conclusions progress check.

Term 2, Week 9 Lesson 1 Complete draft due electronically via TurnItIn. Term 3, Week 1 Lesson 3 Submit final response as both hard copy and via TurnItIn.

Authentication strategies

● You will be provided class time for task completion.

● Your teacher will collect and annotate a draft.

● You must acknowledge all sources.

● Your teacher will ensure class cross-marking occurs.

● You will use TurnItIn to submit your response.


The response must be presented using an appropriate scientific genre (i.e.

scientific essay) and contain:

● a claim

● a research question

● a rationale for the investigation

● justified scientific arguments using evidence

● a conclusion to the research question based on the interpretation of the evidence

● evaluation of the claim and suggestions of improvements and extensions to the investigation
● a reference list.

An example of how one of the claims could be developed into a research question Claim: Bruce Banner absorbs ambient gamma radiation, converting its energy into mass during the transformation into the Hulk.

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Step Description

Break down the claim.
Identify the key terms of the claim.

Question the key elements of the claim.

2 Generate questions that help clarify the key terms as they relate to the unit of study.


Claim: Bruce Banner absorbs ambient gamma radiation, converting its energy into mass during the transformation into the Hulk.

Key terms: gamma radiation, convert energy to mass

How much ambient gamma radiation exists on Earth?

How much mass increase occurs during the transformation?

How much energy is equivalent to the mass increase?


Pose possible research questions. ● Is there a biological structure that can
Extend the questions from Step 2 convert energy into mass?
● How much energy is required to
to ask how the key terms could be
convert Bruce Banner’s mass into the



Critique the questions. Examine the possible research questions for their suitability to the task:

● Do they only consider one independent variable?
● Do they include an element that can be measured using data?

● Is the scope suitable to allow for a detailed 1500–
2000 word answer?

Finalise the research question. Use the results of the critique to select and finalise the research question.

● Is there a biological structure that can convert energy into mass? – Not relevant to the unit topics.

● How much energy is required to convert Bruce Banner’s mass into the Hulk? –

-Not specific to the type of radiation in the claim. –

-Not specific to a version of the Hulk, e.g. the Incredible Hulk or Grey Hulk.

Assuming there was a way to convert gamma radiation directly into mass, how much gamma radiation, and from what source, would change Bruce Banner’s mass into the Incredible Hulk’s mass?*

*Note: You cannot use this sample research question for your investigation.

Physics — IA3 Page 5 2021 – 2022

Instrument-specific marking guide (IA3): Research investigation (20%)

Criterion: Research and planning

Assessment objectives

2. apply understanding of special relativity, quantum theory or the Standard Model to develop research questions

5. investigate phenomena associated with special relativity, quantum theory or the Standard Model through research

The student work has the following characteristics: Marks
• informed application of understanding of special relativity, quantum theory or the Standard Model demonstrated by a considered
rationale identifying clear development of the research question from the claim

• effective and efficient investigation of phenomena associated with special relativity, quantum theory or the Standard Model 5–6

demonstrated by

− a specific and relevant research question

− selection of sufficient and relevant sources.

• adequate application of understanding of special relativity, quantum theory or the Standard Model demonstrated by a reasonable

rationale that links the research question and the claim

• effective investigation of phenomena associated with special relativity, quantum theory or the Standard Model demonstrated by 3–4

− a relevant research question

− selection of relevant sources.

• rudimentary application of understanding of special relativity, quantum theory or the Standard Model demonstrated by a vague or

irrelevant rationale for the investigation

• ineffective investigation of phenomena associated with special relativity, quantum theory or the Standard Model demonstrated by 1–2

− an inappropriate research question

− selection of insufficient and irrelevant sources.

• does not satisfy any of the descriptors above. 0

Criterion: Analysis and interpretation

Assessment objectives

3. analyse research evidence about special relativity, quantum theory or the Standard Model

4. interpret research evidence about special relativity, quantum theory or the Standard Model

The student work has the following characteristics: Marks

• systematic and effective analysis of qualitative data and/or quantitative data within the sources about special relativity, quantum

theory or the Standard Model demonstrated by
− the identification of sufficient and relevant evidence 5–6

− thorough identification of relevant trends , patterns or relationships

− thorough and appropriate identification of limitations of evidence

• insightful interpretation of research evidence about special relativity, quantum theory or the Standard Model demonstrated by

justified scientific argument /s.

• effective analysis of qualitative data and/or quantitative data within the sources about special relativity, quantum theory or the

Standard Model demonstrated by
− the identification of relevant evidence 3–4

− identification of obvious trends , patterns or relationships

− basic identification of limitations of evidence

• adequate interpretation of research evidence about special relativity, quantum theory or the Standard Model demonstrated by

reasonable scientific argument /s.

• rudimentary analysis of qualitative data and/or quantitative data within the sources about special relativity, quantum theory or the

Standard Model demonstrated by
− the identification of insufficient and irrelevant evidence 1–2

− identification of incorrect or irrelevant trends , patterns or relationships

− incorrect or insufficient identification of limitations of evidence

• invalid interpretation of research evidence about special relativity, quantum theory or the Standard Model demonstrated by

inappropriate or irrelevant argument /s.

• does not satisfy any of the descriptors above. 0

Criterion: Conclusion and evaluation

Assessment objectives

4. interpret research evidence about special relativity, quantum theory or the Standard Model

Physics 2019 Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
General Senior Syllabus ISMG v1.2 June 2018


6. evaluate research processes, claims and conclusions about special relativity, quantum theory or the Standard Model

The student work has the following characteristics: Marks
• insightful interpretation of research evidence about special relativity, quantum theory or the Standard Model demonstrated by
justified conclusion /s linked to the research question

• critical evaluation of the research processes , claims and conclusions about special relativity, quantum theory or the Standard
Model demonstrated by 5–6
− insightful discussion of the quality of evidence

− extrapolation of credible findings of the research to the claim

− suggested improvements and extensions to the investigation that are considered and relevant to the claim.

• adequate interpretation of research evidence about special relativity, quantum theory or the Standard Model demonstrated by


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