This discussion highlights on the health workforce as central to the health care system, and any changes in its deployment and utilization will have significant effects on health care quality and costs. The ACA and rising concerns about the efficiency of health care delivery are bringing renewed attention to on the current makeup of the health care workforce, the challenges posed by shortages in certain professions, and how these shortages are being addressed.Most healthcare in the United States is delivered in traditional setting such as hospitals, physician organizations, and long-term care organizations. As access is becoming more readily available, the demand for care is increasing as physician shortages is also increasing. With the increase in number of non-physician providers, discuss how it may affect cost, quality and access to care in the U.S. healthcare system.

This discussion highlights on the health workforce as central to the health care system, and any changes in its deployment and utilization will have significant effects on health care quality and costs. The ACA and rising concerns about the efficiency of health care delivery are bringing renewed attention to on the current makeup of the health care workforce, the challenges posed by shortages in certain professions, and how these shortages are being addressed.Most healthcare in the United States is delivered in traditional setting such as hospitals, physician organizations, and long-term care organizations. As access is becoming more readily available, the demand for care is increasing as physician shortages is also increasing. With the increase in number of non-physician providers, discuss how it may affect cost, quality and access to care in the U.S. healthcare system.


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