This week will be discussing about tools and perspectives for understanding the relationship between culture and health and the emotional and moral dimensions of health and its impact of diverse cultures. You can consult: Chapters 3, 4, 5 of your book (Essentials of Health, Culture, and Diversity Understanding People, Reducing Disparities by Mark Edberg, 2013); and, Culture, Customs, and Beliefs: Tool #10” 1. Present one theory or model within the field of public health which describes either how people maintain health and/or how illness is caused? Even if this is not your personal viewpoint/belief, how can these multiple theories and models be beneficial to public health professionals? Review all peer submissions and become familiar with the multiple theories and models. Respond to two peers’ posts asking any questions or verifying your analysis of the theory/model. 2. What role should culture play in how a person’s health issues are handled? Is this demonstrated in the health system today? Support your position with examples and/or evidence.

This week will be discussing about tools and perspectives for understanding the relationship between culture and health and the emotional and moral dimensions of health and its impact of diverse cultures. You can consult:

Chapters 3, 4, 5 of your book (Essentials of Health, Culture, and Diversity Understanding People, Reducing Disparities by Mark Edberg, 2013); and,

Culture, Customs, and Beliefs: Tool #10”

1. Present one theory or model within the field of public health which describes either how people maintain health and/or how illness is caused? Even if this is not your personal viewpoint/belief, how can these multiple theories and models be beneficial to public health professionals? Review all peer submissions and become familiar with the multiple theories and models. Respond to two peers’ posts asking any questions or verifying your analysis of the theory/model.

2. What role should culture play in how a person’s health issues are handled? Is this demonstrated in the health system today? Support your position with examples and/or evidence.


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