Utilizing the narration option in PowerPoint or another presentation tool that allows you to record your voice and presentation, showcase your completed portfolio. Explain your selection of artifacts, how they address the assigned learning outcome, and how they portray your learning throughout this program. Your presentation should include: An introductory slide — share your name, your program of study, and brief background information such as your current profession, future goals, etc. One slide for each of your program learning outcomes and one sentence about the artifacts selected to demonstrate mastery of the program learning outcome A closing slide — provide a very brief statement about your area of interest for your doctoral research. Your total presentation should not exceed five minutes and a maximum of 12 slides. Fewer slides is fine. You should narrate each slide. For assistance with creating the presentation, review the recommended resources for this week.

Utilizing the narration option in PowerPoint or another presentation tool that allows you to record your voice and presentation, showcase your completed portfolio. Explain your selection of artifacts, how they address the assigned learning outcome, and how they portray your learning throughout this program. Your presentation should include: An introductory slide — share your name, your program of study, and brief background information such as your current profession, future goals, etc. One slide for each of your program learning outcomes and one sentence about the artifacts selected to demonstrate mastery of the program learning outcome A closing slide — provide a very brief statement about your area of interest for your doctoral research. Your total presentation should not exceed five minutes and a maximum of 12 slides. Fewer slides is fine. You should narrate each slide. For assistance with creating the presentation, review the recommended resources for this week.


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