2 separate discussion post 100 words each minimum 1st Read an article online th

2 separate discussion post 100 words each minimum
1st Read an article online that discusses a current event. Identify the author’s claim, audience, purpose, and tone. Share the link to the article in your discussion response.
Do you agree with the author’s claim?
Do you think you are a member of the intended audience?
Does the tone of the article seem appropriate to the intended audience and purpose?
If not, what would you change to better accomplish the author’s purpose?
Consider this talk by Freeman Hrabowski, president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). At 12, he marched with Martin Luther King, and now, at UMBC, he works to create an environment that helps underrepresented students—specifically African American, Latino, and low-income learners—get degrees in math and science. In the following video, he shares the four pillars of UMBC’s approach. It’s an inspiring talk for any college student, no matter what your major may be.
Consider your personal definition of “success.” How does your ability to write tie into your ability to be successful? How will you use writing in your professional life in the future?

The post 2 separate discussion post 100 words each minimum
1st Read an article online th
appeared first on Academia Assignments.


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