Take any classic fairy tale (you may use “Little Red Riding Hood” in “Texts & Contexts,” 338-86), and compare 2 different variations of the same tale. You could include a movie of one of those tales as one variation, but don’t make it another movie review. I want you to compare literary features of the tale; for example, plot, character, and setting. You may want to consider the target audience for that particular presentation. Consider the changing relationships between author, tale, and audience. For example, Tony Ross’s high-modernist text, “Little Red Hood: A Classic Story Bent Out of Shape,” relies on the reader to read elements of the conventional story into the abstract tale he weaves, to construct the story and social context from his parody. Similarly, Tomi Ungerer in “Little Red Riding Hood,” playfully erases and reveals the underlying text. Both artists present the fairy tale as a text constituted from pieces of other texts. If you compare the post 1945 fairy tales with nineteenth and early twentieth century variations, pay particular attention to how feminism, civil rights, and other social movements affected the style and content of the fairy tales. It should be a 2-3 page, double spaced, essay.

Take any classic fairy tale (you may use “Little Red Riding Hood” in “Texts & Contexts,” 338-86), and compare 2 different variations of the same tale.
You could include a movie of one of those tales as one variation, but don’t make it another movie review.
I want you to compare literary features of the tale; for example, plot, character, and setting. You may want to consider the target audience for that particular presentation. Consider the changing relationships between author, tale, and audience. For example, Tony Ross’s high-modernist text, “Little Red Hood: A Classic Story Bent Out of Shape,” relies on the reader to read elements of the conventional story into the abstract tale he weaves, to construct the story and social context from his parody. Similarly, Tomi Ungerer in “Little Red Riding Hood,” playfully erases and reveals the underlying text. Both artists present the fairy tale as a text constituted from pieces of other texts.
If you compare the post 1945 fairy tales with nineteenth and early twentieth century variations, pay particular attention to how feminism, civil rights, and other social movements affected the style and content of the fairy tales.
It should be a 2-3 page, double spaced, essay.


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