the American revolution was radical? Does wood believe in the American revolution was radical? In what way does he claim it was or not radical?

Read the introduction, chapter 13 equality and chapter15 the assault on aristocracy write a 10to12 page paper doubled space in the form of a essay introduction,body,and conclusion that’s address the falling note that a cover page and source page count as a page do most American believe that the American revolution was radical? Does wood believe in the American revolution was radical? In what way does he claim it was or not radical? What evidence or justification does he offer?what does wood say about equality? How does the title of citizen affect society of American what became of the aristocracy in America?how were those made claims to such status treated? What else in this reading did you find to be noteworthy or surprising to you? Explore beyond just the reading,for any background material one might need to more fully understand the issue involved cite this additional material in your text included a source consulted page citied the works you are examining. Include a few brief quotes from the material cite footnotes or endnote all material you use directly from your source


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