Thin Layer Chromatology Lab 6 Overview In this investigation, students will extract pigments from spinach, then perform thin-layer chromatography to identify the pigments using two solvent solutions and the Rf value of the pigment. Outcomes • Perform a separation of plant pigments using thin-layer chromatography. • Determine the relative polarity of plant pigments based on the Rf value of the TLC plate. • Calculate Rf values of plant pigments. • Explain how thin-layer chromatography works.

Thin Layer Chromatology Lab 6
In this investigation, students will extract pigments from spinach, then perform thin-layer chromatography to identify the pigments using two solvent solutions and the Rf value of the pigment.

• Perform a separation of plant pigments using thin-layer chromatography.
• Determine the relative polarity of plant pigments based on the Rf value of the TLC plate.
• Calculate Rf values of plant pigments.
• Explain how thin-layer chromatography works.


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