Week 4 Consider this scenario: You are the nurse administrator of a medium sized health system with a multigenerational workforce. Over the past year, there has been a noticeable decrease in employee satisfaction scores, presence of low morale, and attrition has begun. Attrition has not met the critical point and you are taking action to prevent it getting worse. 1. What is your approach to solving this problem? 2. Using a specific motivational theory, describe how you would create a healthful work environment within that organization. 3. Describe at least three theory-based strategies you will use to create this environment you described.

Week 4

Consider this scenario:

You are the nurse administrator of a medium sized health system with a multigenerational workforce. Over the past year, there has been a noticeable decrease in employee satisfaction scores, presence of low morale, and attrition has begun. Attrition has not met the critical point and you are taking action to prevent it getting worse.

1. What is your approach to solving this problem?

2. Using a specific motivational theory, describe how you would create a healthful work environment within that organization.

3. Describe at least three theory-based strategies you will use to create this environment you described.


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