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AI – Write My Paper Today

UU – COM-4022
Artificial Intelligence
and Compiler Design
Summative Assessment 1
Fundamental Concepts of Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Agents & Problem Solving by
Summative Assessment 1 will test your knowledge on the fundamental concepts of artificial
intelligence and your ability to apply problem solving techniques with practical lab exercises.
 Summative Assessment 1 (Assignment 1) is worth 30% of the final module grade and
is due at the end of Week 2 by 11.59 p.m. (23.59 hours) VLE (UTC).
 Please submit your work using the “Summative assessment 1 submission link” on the
module’s VLE page
Assessment guidelines
Summative Assessment 1 will marked out of 100 points consist of three parts:
 Part 1: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ’s) [20 points]
o 20 multiple choice questions, each question is worth 1 point
o A single choice is required for each question
 Part 2: Short Answers [30 points]
o 10 questions, each question is worth 3 points
o Answers must be short but must cover the topic with an appropriate level of depth
o Where necessary references should be included using the required referencing style
 Part 3: Lab Tasks [50 points]
o Multiple practical exercises that require programming
o Please refer to the Lab exercises under Week 1 and the eBook reading material for
Week 2 for instructions on installation and running the relevant software required
to complete the exercises
o You will need to provide screenshots and/or program code of the exercises as proof
of completion
UU – COM-4022
Artificial Intelligence
and Compiler Design
Assessment criteria
Please refer back to the assessment guidelines for the explicit breakdown of marks (points) for
summative assessment 1.
The overall marking of the overall assessment for all sections will be based on the following
 The ability to demonstrate an understanding of the chosen topic(s)
 The ability to synthesize ideas, develop strong arguments, summarize key ideas and draw
effective conclusions.
 The ability to follow the requirements
 The ability to effectively support ideas using relevant references.
 The ability to demonstrate an adherence to good grammar, spelling and logical structure
UU – COM-4022
Artificial Intelligence
and Compiler Design
Part 1: MCQ’s (20 points)
1. Who is known as the -Father of AI”?
a. Fisher Ada
b. Alan Turing
c. John McCarthy
d. Allen Newell
2. The state-space of the problem includes
a. Initial state
b. Action
c. Transition model
d. All the above
3. An AI system is composed of
a. Agent
b. Environment
c. Agent and Environment
d. None of the above
4. Agents can be grouped into classes based on their degree of perceived…
a. Intelligence
b. Capability
c. Intelligence and capability
d. Performance
5. Which agent can work in a partially observable environment, and track the situation?
a. Simple Reflex Agent
b. Model-based reflex agent
c. Goal-based agents
d. Utility-based agent
UU – COM-4022
Artificial Intelligence
and Compiler Design
6. Which type of agent acts not only for goals but also for the best way to achieve the goal?
a. Simple Reflex Agent
b. Model-based reflex agent
c. Goal-based agents
d. Utility-based agent
7. Which agent is useful when there are multiple possible alternatives?
a. Simple Reflex Agent
b. Model-based reflex agent
c. Goal-based agents
d. Utility-based agent
8. Which type of agent works on Condition-action rule?
a. Simple Reflex Agent
b. Model-based reflex agent
c. Goal-based agents
d. Utility-based agent
9. Rationality can be judged on the basis of…
a. Performance measure which defines the success criterion.
b. Agent prior knowledge of its environment.
c. The sequence of percepts.
d. All the above
10. Which device detects the change in the environment and sends the information to other
electronic devices?
a. Sensors
b. Actuators
c. Effectors
d. All the above
UU – COM-4022
Artificial Intelligence
and Compiler Design
11. Problem solving agents are also called as:
a. Simple agent
b. Reflex agent
c. Rational agent
d. Goal based agent
12. Which represents a set of possible solutions, which a system may have?
a. Search space
b. Start state
c. Search tree
d. Goal test
13. If a solution has the lowest cost among all solutions, then it is called as:
a. Optimal solution
b. Path cost
c. Transition model
d. None of the above
14. Which search does not contain any domain knowledge such as closeness, the location of
the goal?
a. Uninformed search
b. Informed search
c. Blind search
d. Both A and C
15. Which algorithm is a combination of DFS and BFS algorithms?
a. Iterative deepening depth-first Search
b. Simple Search
c. Complex search
d. Bidirectional search
UU – COM-4022
Artificial Intelligence
and Compiler Design
16. If the environment is not fully observable or deterministic, then which type of problems
will occur?
a. Contingency problem
b. Conformant problem
c. Sensorless problems
d. All the above
17. The Estimated cost of cheapest solution f(n) =
a. h(n)
b. g(n)
c. h(n) * g(n)
d. h(n) + g(n)
18. Which is defined by the value of the objective function or heuristic cost function?
a. Location
b. Elevation
c. Both
d. None of the Above
19. Which type of Search Algorithm requires less computation?
a. Informed search
b. Uninformed search
c. Both
d. None of the above
20. A node of hill climbing algorithm has…
a. State components
b. Value components
c. Both
d. None of the above
UU – COM-4022
Artificial Intelligence
and Compiler Design
Part 2: Short Answers (30 points)
1. Define intelligent agent.
2. Explain about the foundations of AI.
3. Explain the types of Agent and its environment
4. Explain the structure of agents.
5. Explain about the problem solving agent.
6. Explain about the Informed Search Algorithm.
7. Explain about the Uninformed Search Algorithm.
8. Explain about Local Search Algorithm.
9. Explain about Local search in continuous spaces.
10. Explain about optimization problems.
UU – COM-4022
Artificial Intelligence
and Compiler Design
Part 3: Lab Tasks (50 points)
1. Write a simple calculator program. Follow the steps below:
a. Declare and define a function named Menu which displays a list of choices for
user such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, & classic division. It takes the
choice from user as an input and return.
b. Define and declare a separate function for each choice.
c. In the main body of the program call respective function depending on user’s
d. Program should not terminate till user chooses option to “Quit”.
2. Implement the following functions for the calculator you created in the above Task
a. Factorial
b. x_power_y (x raised to the power y)
c. log
d. ln (Natural log)
NOTE – You will need to provide screenshots and/or program code of the exercises as proof of
completion of the exercises above

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