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The Sayings Of Confucius – Write My Paper Today

Book XV of The Sayings of Confucius, provide written answers to the following questions.  Please give complete answers in complete sentences.

1. What does Confucius seem to mean by “the Way”?

2. How does Confucius phrase the Golden Rule?  How does it differ from the most common version used in America today?

After reading the selection from the Summa Theologica, by Thomas Aquinas, provide written answers to the following questions.  Please give complete answers in complete sentences.

3. What does Aquinas mean by the phrase “natural law”?  What is the natural law?

4. What is the most basic precept of the natural law, according to Aquinas?

5. In what sense is the natural law natural, as Aquinas understands it?

6. Why does Aquinas say that the natural law is the same in all men?  Don’t people disagree about ethical matters?

7. Does Aquinas believe it makes sense to think that the natural law can be changed?  Explain.

8. Does Aquinas believe it makes sense to think that the natural law can be erased from one’s mind?  Explain.

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