Login to Saint leo Portal; Research Method II. The assignment is located under the Module 3, title: Factorial ANOVA (aka Two-way ANOVA for between-subjects): A NHST. There are three links to consider; 1. Readings – FACTORIAL ANOVA , 2. How to interpret an interaction effect and 3. HW module 3 -Two way ANOVA. HW module 3 -Two way ANOVA is where the directions for this assignment .

Login to Saint leo Portal; Research Method II. The assignment is located under the Module 3, title: Factorial ANOVA (aka Two-way ANOVA for between-subjects): A NHST. There are three links to consider;
1. Readings – FACTORIAL ANOVA ,
2. How to interpret an interaction effect and
3. HW module 3 -Two way ANOVA.

HW module 3 -Two way ANOVA is where the directions for this assignment .


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