SUBJECT: Sociology: Juvenile Delinquency Summary: Juvenile Delinquency & Social Learning Theory Semester Project Guidelines 5-6 pages (1250-2000 words) Your primary goal: teach the reader about a topic or topics in the study of juvenile delinquency. 1) Four Elements a) Brief overview of Juvenile Delinquency and the Social Learning Theory. b) How this topic relates to/effected by society c) Examples from the real world d) Personal Reaction, Reflection 2) Avoid the Book Report Approach

SUBJECT: Sociology: Juvenile Delinquency

Summary: Juvenile Delinquency & Social Learning Theory

Semester Project Guidelines

5-6 pages (1250-2000 words)

Your primary goal: teach the reader about a topic or topics in the study of juvenile delinquency.

1) Four Elements

a) Brief overview of Juvenile Delinquency and the Social Learning Theory.

b) How this topic relates to/effected by society c) Examples from the real world

d) Personal Reaction, Reflection

2) Avoid the Book Report Approach

a) If you spend the entire paper summarizing and repeating what your book said, you missed the point of the project

3) You MUST make the connection to the larger society

a) Discuss how social forces effect your topic

4) Don’t lose sight of the sociological approach to the topic Paper will be evaluated based on:

1. Clarity

2. Organization

3. Demonstration of knowledge of theories of delinquent behavior

4. Connection of personal experiences with classroom material.


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