Be sure to follow APA 7th guidelines (1-2 paragraphs in length, typed and double-spaced, cover page, with sources, cited both in-text and on a reference page). answer the questions completely (Do not recopy questions in your work). Answer the following questions: * What does SBC stand for? Why does the issuance of a certificate important for the contractor? What ACT was adopted due to SBC and other certifications? Why? * What approach would you use to summarize sub-contractors and suppliers? Use Chapter 17 as your guide.

Be sure to follow APA 7th guidelines (1-2 paragraphs in length, typed and double-spaced, cover page, with sources, cited both in-text and on a reference page). answer the questions completely (Do not recopy questions in your work).

Answer the following questions:

* What does SBC stand for? Why does the issuance of a certificate important for the contractor? What ACT was adopted due to SBC and other certifications? Why? * What approach would you use to summarize sub-contractors and suppliers? Use Chapter 17 as your guide.


Don`t copy text!
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