ECAM107: You are working as an airport specialist for a multi-national company providing airport operations & management: Apron Control Management Report, TP


You are working as an airport specialist for a multi-national company providing airport operations & management consultancy services worldwide, and have been tasked to:

A. Conduct a comprehensive study on the safety oversight of ground service providers in various aircraft handling activities.

B. Propose comprehensive programs for the safety oversight of ground service providers in these aircraft handling activities, based on a “3M” (Man, Method, and Machine) approach onto a report for your company’s prospective clients.

Project Brief

Your project will cover the following contents:

A. Introduction:
a. Explain the importance of safety oversight of ground service providers.
b. Explain the concept of a “3M” (Man, Method, and Machine) framework.

B. Body:

a. Select ANY 4 aircraft handling activities from the table below:

For EACH aircraft handling activity:
b. Introduce your understanding of this aircraft handling activity.
c. Identify and explain the accident causes, safety factors, and considerations
in this activity.
d. Analyse and develop a comprehensive oversight program for any airport
operator to enhance safety for this activity, based on the “3M” approach.

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