EGDF12: The aviation industry was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and is only now beginning to recover: Diploma in Aerospace Systems and Management Assignment, NYP


The aviation industry was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and is only now beginning to recover. Financial woes aside, the pandemic’s longer-term effects on aviation are emerging. Some of these are obvious: hygiene and safety standards will be more stringent, and digitalization will continue to transform the travel experience. Mobile apps will be used to store travelers’ vaccine certificates and COVID-19 test results. Fundamental shifts in the aviation industry that has arisen from the pandemic are inevitable Submit a report titled: “How The Aviation Industry Can Recover From Post-Pandemic”.

Your report should include at least the followings:

analyze why the aviation industry is facing one of the most complicated times and highlights some of the potential issues facing the aviation industry as the Covid‑19 recovery begins.
the main constraints for the industry and the measures that can be taken to recover the situation.
the financial and technical difficulties faced.
How the lines look beyond the pandemic and adapt to the long-term realities of COVID-19. You may also include any other additional points of interest on these issues.

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