In the ‘Signorelli’ example from The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, Freud demonstrated that behind a simple parapraxis: Psychology Assignment, TCD, Ireland


In the ‘Signorelli’ example from The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, Freud demonstrated that behind a simple parapraxis such as forgetting a name there can lie an unconscious conflict. Demonstrate your understanding of how Freud used what he called ‘word bridges’ to reconstruct the meaning behind his forgetting.


In the Rat Man’s case, Freud demonstrates that the origin of the Rat Man’s symptoms lay in an ambivalent relationship with his father. Demonstrate your understanding of how the signifiers ‘spielratten’ and ‘heiraten’ played a key role in revealing the Rat Man’s ambivalent relationship with his father, and consequently their role in the Rat Man’s symptoms.

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