SBFS1103: The objectives of the assignment are to expose learners to critical thinking, and decision-making skills and enhance the learners: Thinking Skills and Problem Solving Essay, OUM, Malaysia


The objectives of the assignment are to expose learners to critical thinking, and decision-making skills and enhance the learners’ problem-solving skills through one of the problem-solving tools before making a decision.


Assuming you are a production manager in a semiconductor manufacturing company in Penang. Due to the ease of the COVID-19 movement order, the border is now open for foreign workers to work in Malaysia in the manufacturing sector. Your company plans to bring 100 operator workers in from Bangladesh. These workers are unable to speak neither English nor Bahasa Malaysia.

In the recent production meeting, a local supervisor highlighted there would be a high possibility of production problems due to miscommunication with those Bangladeshi workers.  You need to analyze the supervisor’s concerns as soon as possible because it is involved the quality of the product.

Based on the above case, apply your critical thinking skills and problem-solving by writing an essay on identifying the root cause and offering suggestions for improvement. Your essay should include the following components:


You are required to write a report about your own personal problem and propose a solution to the problem.  Think of any problem or issue at work or in your own personal life that you are encountering now. You need a strategic solution for your problem.

Your report should be based on the following components:

Introduction: The objective of the report
Description of the issue/problem;
Application of ONE (1) problem-solving tool or decision-making strategy to solve or decide on the issue/problem;

Elaboration on the solution or decision of the issue/problem.

Conclusion – Summary of the report and self-reflection about the process of doing the assignment.


This part requires students to participate actively in the MyINSPIRE forum. Discuss the following topics in the forum and submit proof of your participation with your tutor and peers in the forum online discussions:

Do you agree or disagree with the statement, ‘Good thinkers are born rather than made? Justify your argument.
Compare and contrast the characteristics of a good and a poor thinker in both the phases involved in the thinking process.
Elaborate on any five of the barriers to critical thinking.
In your opinion, does our current education system place higher importance on the right or left brain? Suggest ways and steps that can be taken to improve this situation.

Instruction on how to submit proof of online class participation:

Select the best FIVE (5) own postings from your forum discussion set in the assignment.
Do screenshots of the postings and include them as images in your Part 1 and Part2 assignment files.

The screenshots should be in an image file (either in JPG or PNG format). Refer to  the sample of Screen Grab below

The screenshots should contain the name, title of the discussion, day, date, and time.


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