unit 4 : part 2 due 07.23.2022 – Write My Paper Today

 Key Assignment Draft

Complete the following for your Key Assignment draft:

All of the Individual Project assignments that you have completed so far in this course will all be components of the HCM337 Key Assignment, which will be due next week in Unit 5. So far you have discussed corrective action (Unit 1 IP), resolved a management problem with employees showing resistance to change (Unit 2 IP), and developed an organizational chart (Unit 3 IP). For this week’s Unit 4 Individual Project assignment, you will complete the following tasks.
Part 1 – Prepare a summary of each of the 3 tasks mentioned above.
Part 2 -Research and develop a mission and values statement for a facility.
Part 3 – Describe what type of health care this facility will provide.
Summarize their purpose and services provided, such as the type of health care, number of staff, type of staff, size, departments, and so forth. 
a 3-5 page not including title page and reference page 

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