Write a research proposal on a psychologically relevant topic and The proposal requires the student to choose a psychologically relevant topic: Psychology Assignment, TCD, Ireland

Write a research proposal on a psychologically relevant topic. The proposal requires the student to choose a psychologically relevant topic and systematically develop it as if they were submitting it to an Ethics committee. The steps involved in the process include.

 Identifying and structuring the research question.
Conducting a modest literature review around the topic of interest, and developing a scientific rationale for the proposal topic
Ensuring all important variables are adequately defined. o Stating the 3 main hypotheses/research questions emerging from the overall research question
Stating the specific corresponding design, and associated variables  o The methods should be outlined, including the names and corresponding references of any measures proposed
Sample information is required as is information on any potential ethical concerns which may arise from the proposed study and possible ways to address them. o Brief mention of the descriptive and inferential statistics proposed.

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