Ideas that would improve broadcast radio’s ability

  Goal: Generate ideas that would improve broadcast radio’s ability to improve their ratings in this on-demand media era. Instructions: 1. Listen to a commercial radio
The post Ideas that would improve broadcast radio’s ability first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


Goal: Generate ideas that would improve broadcast radio’s ability to improve their ratings in this on-demand media era.


1. Listen to a commercial radio station in Cincinnati for 2 consecutive hours starting at the top of an hour.

I would like you to listen to one of the following stations: WEBN (102.7 FM), WUBE (105.1 FM), WKRQ (101.9) or WIZF (101.1 FM)
2. Take notes on what you hear including those elements that you like and don’t like.

3. Write a 500-750 word letter addressed to the leadership of this radio station that communicates:

What you found annoying about this broadcast (be specific)
What you liked about their broadcast (be specific)
Programming and promotional ideas you have for this station that will help them grow their audience in this on-demand media era.

The post Ideas that would improve broadcast radio’s ability first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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