Sponsorship is an important source of income for sports organizations and sports people: Public Relations and Strategic Communications Homework, DCU, Ireland

Learning Outcomes

1. Analyse the role of public relations in effective communications to support business success in the sports industry.

2. Assess the role of public relations in effective corporate communication activities, including media relations, marketing public relations, internal relations, community relations, business to business, political relations, and digital public relations

3. Evaluate the contribution of strategic public relations in effective crisis management planning, implementation, and communication.

4. Evaluate the dual role of sports with regard to corporate social responsibility (CSR) both in terms of spots organizations’ own CSR responsibilities as a vehicle for which non-sports organizations can affect CSR programs.

5. Assess the role of sponsorship arrangements within the sports industry and the importance of successful sponsorship leverage.

Question 1

Sponsorship is an important source of income for sports organizations and sports people. With many organizations competing for suitable sponsors, setting out clearly what you can offer a potential sponsor or sponsors is critical. Discuss the following key elements organizations need to consider in developing a sponsorship proposal to attract a specific sponsor or sponsors.

The sponsorship structures
Sponsorship levels that can be offered
Fit’ between sponsor and organization seeking sponsorship
Generic objective the sponsor could achieve through the sponsorship agreement.

In your, discussion includes real-life examples from organizations you have studied in the course and include at least four generic objectives that can be achieved through sponsorship.

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