Assessment 2 Tasks Given the information provided in the case study, and assuming you cannot change the physical technical design of the network: 1. Critically evaluate the problems that contributed to the ransomware attack being successful. (12 marks)  o Tip: Carefully consider all the issues that are outlined in the case study information. Some of them are obvious and others you will need to examine the information carefully to see clearly. In your critical evaluation think about procedure, process, administrative controls, incident/disaster responses/plans and security awareness. The technical elements will be considered in Assessment 3: Case Study Part 3. 2. Discuss c

Assessment 2 Tasks Given the information provided in the case study, and assuming you cannot change the physical technical design of the network: 1. Critically evaluate the problems that contributed to the ransomware attack being successful. (12 marks)  o Tip: Carefully consider all the issues that are outlined in the case study information. Some of them are obvious and others you will need to examine the information carefully to see clearly. In your critical evaluation think about procedure, process, administrative controls, incident/disaster responses/plans and security awareness. The technical elements will be considered in Assessment 3: Case Study Part 3. 2. Discuss changes you would recommend to the board of management to better protect the clinic against future ransomware attacks. (13 Marks)  o Tip: Keep within the context of the case study information provided and address the elements you critically evaluated in question 1 above – i.e. this is NOT the time to discuss technical changes or purchasing new equipment. General Tip: Word count should be roughly evenly split between these two questions i.e. 1000-1250 words for each question. Marking Criteria (Rubric) Criteria HD DI CR PS FL Critically evaluate the problems that contributed to the ransomware attack being successful. (48%) Students have clearly identified 5+ contributing factors; factors are critically analysed to an excellent standard; student demonstrates a superior grasp of cybersecurity concepts; Students have clearly identified up to 5 contributing factors; factors are critically analysed to avery good standard; student demonstrates a very good grasp of cybersecurity concepts; Students have clearly identified up to 4 contributing factors; factors are critically analysed to agood standard; student demonstrates agood grasp of cybersecurity concepts; Students have clearly identified up to 3 contributing factors; factors are critically analysed to an adequate standard; student demonstrates an adequate grasp of cybersecurity concepts; Students have identified <3contributing factors; factors are not clearly identified; factors are critically analysed poorly; student demonstrates alack of understanding of relevant cybersecurity concepts; Discuss changes you would recommend to the board of management to better protect the clinic against future ransomware attacks. (52%) Students have completely linked the contributing factors with recommended changes; suggested changes are very likely to provide the required outcome; suggestions are relevant to ransomware attacks; analysis and justification of changes is done to an excellent standard; Students have very strongly linked the contributing factors with recommended changes; suggested changes are likely to provide the required outcome; suggestions are mostly relevant to ransomware attacks; analysis and justification of changes is done to an very good standard; Students have strongly linked the contributing factors with recommended changes; suggested changes probably provide the required outcome; suggestions are somewhat relevant to ransomware attacks; analysis and justification of changes is done to a good standard; Students have adequately linked the contributing factors with recommended changes; suggested changes mostly provide the required outcome; suggestions are somewhat relevant to ransomware attacks; analysis and justification of changes is done to an adequate standard; Students have poorly linked the contributing factors with recommended changes; suggested changes are unlikely to provide the required outcome; suggestions are irrelevant to ransomware attacks; analysis and justification of changes is poorly done or not done;


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