Case A: What are the current trends impacting HEC Montreal? How can technology address the pressures and threats faced by it? Why is the CRM project of strategic importance to HEC Montreal? Case B: Discuss the risk factors affecting the implementation of the CRM software. How could the management approach (plan driven vs agile) and deployment model (on-premises vs SaaS/Cloud) help mitigate the project risks? Case C: Do you think the project has been a success to date? Why or why not? Discuss. What are the top three lessons you have learned from the CRM project?

Case A: What are the current trends impacting HEC Montreal? How can technology address the pressures and threats faced by it? Why is the CRM project of strategic importance to HEC Montreal?

Case B: Discuss the risk factors affecting the implementation of the CRM

software. How could the management approach (plan driven vs agile) and deployment model (on-premises vs SaaS/Cloud) help mitigate the project risks?

Case C: Do you think the project has been a success to date? Why or why not?

Discuss. What are the top three lessons you have learned from the CRM project?


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