Session 1 Capstone Milestone For this session, you will write a paper wherein you will integrate the theories that align with your Capstone topic. You may include, but are not limited to selecting from the following theorists/themes for guidance: Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) Kohlberg Vygotsky Piaget Erikson Polyvagal theory/Neuroception Models of identity development Systems theory Attachment theory Indivisible self – Model of wellness Nature versus nurture Mindsight Triune brain 9 Domains of integration

Session 1 Capstone Milestone

For this session, you will write a paper wherein you will integrate the theories that align with your Capstone topic. You may include, but are not limited to selecting from the following theorists/themes for guidance:
  • Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB)
  • Kohlberg
  • Vygotsky
  • Piaget
  • Erikson
  • Polyvagal theory/Neuroception
  • Models of identity development
  • Systems theory
  • Attachment theory
  • Indivisible self – Model of wellness
  • Nature versus nurture
  • Mindsight
  • Triune brain
  • 9 Domains of integration
  • Triangle of wellbeing
  • Transformational psychology
  • Neuroplasticity & brain-based counseling
To assist your research, a collection of pertinent academic journals and organizations are included in the Session 1 reading materials located in Reading and Viewing Assignments.
This paper will help you integrate theories and build content for your Capstone Project. This assignment should also help you build the literature review through your research of theory. It is encouraged that you select scholarly sources that can be included in your final Capstone Project submission. Each assignment will help you build your Capstone Project, which is a culminating product of your education. This mindset is indicative of a “work smart” approach.
Your paper should include the following components:
  • Discuss three theories from the list above that are integral in your Capstone research.
  • Integrate specific concepts from these theories that will be pertinent to your specific research topic/problem/solution.
Your paper must be:
  • Three pages in length (not including the cover page and reference page).
  • Constructed using an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion with quality college-level writing.
  • Written in Word using APA format. It should include the following:
    • A cover page
    • Assignment written in an APA approved font and size, double spaced.
    • In-text citations to support main points.
    • A reference page with full APA references for each in-text citation used for support.
  • Supported by a minimum of three scholarly sources.
Click on the Session 1 Capstone Milestone link and submit your assignment as a Word document by the posted due date. Review the rubric available in Due Dates and Grades for specific grading criteria.


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