Context: This assessment is prescribed to advance literature searching, critical analysis, research question development, research planning skills, and reflexivity as a researcher. It assesses the key understanding necessary for conceptualising and developing a qualitative research proposal, which will prepare you for the use of qualitative methods in research and evaluation as a public health practitioner. Instructions: TOPIC: “What are the Mental Health problems faced by the children during covid 19” Write a research proposal for your qualitative project. You must include: A brief literature review to summarise the existing knowledge in this space and justify your proposed project. Your research

Context: This assessment is prescribed to advance literature searching, critical analysis, research question development, research planning skills, and reflexivity as a researcher. It assesses the key understanding necessary for conceptualising and developing a qualitative research proposal, which will prepare you for the use of qualitative methods in research and evaluation as a public health practitioner.
TOPIC: “What are the Mental Health problems faced by the children during covid 19”
Write a research proposal for your qualitative project. You must include:
A brief literature review to summarise the existing knowledge in this space and justify your proposed project.
Your research question and the knowledge gap that it will address.
Write 6-8 interview questions that:
1) Focus on obtaining information that will help you to answer your research question.
2) Are qualitative (focusing on experience, opinion, values, perceptions etc) in nature.
A summary of the key elements of the methodology that you think would be the most appropriate methodology to use to explore your research question (i.e., phenomenology), and why it is appropriate for exploring your research question.
Your methods, including how you will select your participants (in this case, four people whom you already know) and your interview process.
Your interview questions.
A personal reflection on your motivation for exploring this research question, any ethical or cultural considerations for your project, and anything that could create a risk of bias in your data.
ing skills, and reflexivity as a researcher. It assesses the key understanding necessary for conceptualising and developing a qualitative research proposal, which will prepare you for the use of qualitative methods in research and evaluation as a public health practitioner.
TOPIC: “What are the Mental Health problems faced by the children during covid 19”
Write a research proposal for your qualitative project. You must include:
A brief literature review to summarise the existing knowledge in this space and justify your proposed project.
Your research question and the knowledge gap that it will address.
Write 6-8 interview questions that:
1) Focus on obtaining information that will help you to answer your research question.
2) Are qualitative (focusing on experience, opinion, values, perceptions etc) in nature.
A summary of the key elements of the methodology that you think would be the most appropriate methodology to use to explore your research question (i.e., phenomenology), and why it is appropriate for exploring your research question.
Your methods, including how you will select your participants (in this case, four people whom you already know) and your interview process.
Your interview questions.
A personal reflection on your motivation for exploring this research question, any ethical or cultural considerations for your project, and anything that could create a risk of bias in your data.


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