CSC508: This assignment will test your understanding on Sorting and Searching algorithms and Write a complete JAVA program: DATA STRUCTURES Assignment, UTM, Malaysia


This assignment will test your understanding on Sorting and Searching algorithms.

Write a complete JAVA program to do the following tasks:

Sort a list of items using SELECTION SORT AND MERGE SORT algorithms.
The list of items is stored in an input file name INPUT.TXT Your program should be able to read the items from the input file and store it in an array for processing.
The output will be displayed on the screen. The order of the items will be displayed for each iteration of the loop, so that we can observe the process of sorting is being done.
Then prompt the user to search for an item from the list.
Search the item using a) Sequential search b) Binary Search algorithms.
Display number of comparisons taken for each algorithm for a i) Successful search
ii) Unsuccessful Search

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