EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PROGRAM ECE1120 – COMMUNICATION & INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINE (Conflict Resolution Report) 30% The student will choose a conflict situation from a selection provided to them in class. Then, using the ‘Collaborative Conflict Resolution’ strategies learned in class, write a report on the most appropriate way of resolving their chosen situation. The student will also address how the conflict could be avoided in their future work with children and their families. 1. Choose a conflict scenario from the selection provided to you by your instructor. 2. Use the ‘Collaborative Conflict Resolution’ information given to you in class to decide on the most appropriate way to handle that particular conflict. 3. Include in your report the following information:



ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINE (Parent Workshop) 30%

This is a group project. Each group will prepare a parent workshop for the families of children who attend a licensed childcare facility. These workshops will be presented, recorded and uploaded to LMS. The workshop will revolve around a specific topic and the group will collect resources to support their workshop. For the presentation and recording, each student should prepare their own-recorded area to reflect the subject they are discussing.

1. Each group will choose a different topic to base their workshop on that would be appropriate for the families of children who attend licensed group childcare centres.

2. Each group must research their topic in order to present their workshop effectively.

3. Each group must prepare 10 questions (based on their topic). The questions must be posted in this assignment’s shared portal.

4. Each student must prepare their background to reflect the topic of their workshop.

5. The workshop should be approximately 15 – 20 minutes long. During their workshop, students must respond to their questions (as if they were being asked these.) Upload this recorded workshop to the shared portal for other students to view.

6. All group members must have an obvious role in the workshop presentation and demonstrate collaboration.

7. All group members should focus on using appropriate communication skills, as learned in class.

8. Your group will upload onto LMS in the shared portal the following:
• Video recording of your group’s workshop
• All information pertaining to the workshop:
o Agenda
o Handouts
o Anything extra
• The 10 questions given to the class. Do not upload the answers to the shared portal. Only upload the answers to the Assignment submission page.

9. Individually, students must view at least two other workshops, and comment on these in the comment section.

Remember … Follow the guideline and include all required information as you will be marked based on this guideline criteria.

Student Name: Student I.D. #: Module: ECE1120 – Communication and
Interpersonal Relationships

Did the students: Yes (2) Somewhat (1) No (0)
1 Choose a topic to base their workshop on that would be
appropriate for the families of children who attend licensed group childcare centres.
2 research their topic in order to present their workshop effectively
3 prepare 10 questions (based on their topic) for the other students to ask
4 to answer each question appropriately
5 prepare their background to reflect the topic of their workshop
6 Present a workshop that was approximately 15 – 20 minutes long.
7 Each have an obvious role in the workshop presentation and demonstrate collaboration.
8 Use appropriate communication skills, as learned in class.
9 Upload the required documents on LMS in the shared portal
a) Agenda
b) Handouts, and anything extra
c) Anything extra
d) A list of the 10 questions given to the class with the answers to those questions
10 Include the required information in their final assignment that is uploaded into the assignment portal (i.e. title page with the names of all students, student #’s, instructor’s name, date and module name and


Mark for this assignment /26


ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINE (Conflict Resolution Report) 30%

The student will choose a conflict situation from a selection provided to them in class. Then, using the ‘Collaborative Conflict Resolution’ strategies learned in class, write a report on the most appropriate way of resolving their chosen situation. The student will also address how the conflict could be avoided in their future work with children and their families.

1. Choose a conflict scenario from the selection provided to you by your instructor.

2. Use the ‘Collaborative Conflict Resolution’ information given to you in class to decide on the most appropriate way to handle that particular conflict.

3. Include in your report the following information:
• Who are the people involved in the conflict
• What would be the best approach to address the conflict (eg: what time, place, etc. would be most suitable)
• How would the resolution process begin?
(eg: who should approach whom and what would be an appropriate way to initiate the discussion / topic)
• Consider two possible responses from the respondent – how would you handle each (eg: what would you say and do in each situation?)
• What type of ‘action plan’ would be appropriate considering the situation
• How could you ensure there is follow through with the agreed on ‘action plan’
• What kinds of communication skills would you need to remember in order to make the resolution process as productive and positive as possible

4. Summarize your report by adding how you feel this conflict could be avoided in the future and how understanding this may help you in your work in the future.

5. The assignment must be typed, double spaced, include a title page with name student I.D.#, instructor’s name, date and module name and number.

Remember … Follow the guideline and include all required information as you will be marked based on this guideline criteria.

Student Name: Student I.D. #: Module: ECE1120 – Communication and
Interpersonal Relationships

ASSIGNMENT EVALUATION (Conflict Resolution Report)

Did the student Yes (2) Somewhat (1) No (0)
1 Use the Collaborative Conflict Resolution information Correctly and effectively.
2 Include in their report
a)Who are the people involved in the conflict?
b) Identify what would be the best approach to address the conflict (i.e. what time, place, etc… would be most suitable.
c) Identify how the resolution process should begin (i.e. who should approach whom? What would be an
appropriate way to initiate the discussion?)
d) Consider and discuss two possible responses (i.e. a Negative response from the other person and a positive Response from the other person) explaining
how they would respond to each.
e) Lay out an action plan for resolving the conflict?
f) Explain how they would ensure there is follow throu with the agreed on action plan.
g) Comment on the types of communication that
would be necessary to make the resolution process as productive and positive as possible.
3 Include in a summary how the conflict could be Avoided in the future.
4 Include in a summary how the Collaborative Conflict Resolution Process can help them in the future.


Mark for this assignment /20


A parent comes at the end of the day to pick up their child when they notice their child’s arm is bruised. Upon questioning their child, they find out that another child at the centre has bitten him.

The parent then comes to you quite angry and concerned because their child has been bitten now three times by another child in the group.

The parent asks you, “What are you going to do about this child? What is wrong with him?” Then the parent proceeds to state that they do not want you to allow their child and the other child to play together anymore.

You must address this issue.


You are outside on the playground with the children. You observe another staff member inappropriately handling a guidance situation.

The other staff member is yelling at the child, pulling the child’s arm and talking down to the child.

This is not the first time you have noticed this staff person’s inappropriate handling of behaviours.

You must address this issue.


You are a supervisor at a daycare centre. Carl, age 3 years has recently come to the centre and is having difficulty adjusting to the centre.

He is afraid of the staff and does not want to play with the other children. His parents are both professionals and they have their housekeeper drop off and pick up their son every day.

You understand that Carl is likely not ready for school yet but the parents feel that it must be something the centre is doing to cause him to feel so upset.

You must address this issue with Carl’s parents.


A parent drops their child off at your centre and informs you that the child has been up all night coughing. The parent adds that after having given the child Tylenol this morning they seemed to be fine but would like the child to stay inside if possible.

The parent has an important meeting at work that they cannot miss. The parent says they will try to get to the centre early to pick up their child.

This parent has left their child at the centre before when the child was not well. You feel it is time to put a stop to this.

You must address this issue with the parent.


You walk into the staff room for your lunch break and two other staff members are discussing how they had been out on the weekend at a local bar and had seen one of the children’s mom’s quite drunk.

They are making inappropriate comments about the mother and her parenting.

You must address this issue with the staff.


One staff person always takes too long breaks and is causing the other staff to have to start their breaks late.

The second staff person usually starts her break late because of the first staff member but stays out longer instead of coming back right on time.

The Head Supervisor of the centre wants to leave to go home at the end of her shift but often must stay longer because of the other two staff.

The one late staff person therefore has a ‘domino’ effect on the whole centre.

You must address this issue.


You are concerned about the method of discipline that is being used by the Head Supervisor at your centre.

The discipline she is using is rather harsh and although she is not breaking any policies, she is taking the discipline aspect of the job too seriously and is often far too strict with the children.

You are noticing that the children are more ‘fearful’ of her and you feel there are some personal problems that may be interfering with her doing her job effectively.

You must address this issue.


One parent always comments to other parents about a particular child in the centre that she feels is bullying her child.

The parent is also constantly approaching staff with the same complaints and expects staff to do something about it.

In fact, it is actually the parent’s own child that tries to provoke situations and often is more of the bully herself.

You must address this issue.


One parent at your centre is always arriving late to pick up their child. At first it was only 5 minutes here and there but lately every class the parent is 10 – 15 minutes late.

The parent seems to have unbelievable excuses (and they are becoming increasingly more difficult to believe).

One staff member is especially upset that the parent is always late as they too have to stay late past their shift time and even after several requests for the late pick- up, the parent has yet to pay any of the money.

You understand that the parent is a single mom and has a hard time balancing work and parenthood. However, as it is now affecting the staff at the centre, you are faced with this issue.

You must address this issue.



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