Health Care Delivery Issues and Planning—Design your own health care system. Drawing on all that you have learned in the course thus far, design your health care system for the United States. Be creative! Feel free to make your system as similar to or different from the current system as you would like. Model the system after that of another nation, if you’d like, or design one that is completely original. Include the following elements in your design:  The role of federal, state, and local governments  The role of insurance companies  The role of employers  The role of providers  The role of consumers  How health care would be paid for The advantage of your system over the existing one  The biggest criticism your opponents would have of your system  How you would answer this criticism Present your health care system in a PowerPoint presentation with 15 to 20 slides, or a multimedia presentation. Rubric attached

Health Care Delivery Issues and Planning—Design your own health care system. Drawing on all that you have learned in the course thus far, design your health care system for the United States. Be creative! Feel free to make your system as similar to or different from the current system as you would like. Model the system after that of another nation, if you’d like, or design one that is completely original. Include the following elements in your design:  The role of federal, state, and local governments  The role of insurance companies  The role of employers  The role of providers  The role of consumers  How health care would be paid for The advantage of your system over the existing one  The biggest criticism your opponents would have of your system  How you would answer this criticism Present your health care system in a PowerPoint presentation with 15 to 20 slides, or a multimedia presentation. Rubric attached


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