The National Maternity Strategy claims to be underpinned by a health and wellness approach that views ‘pregnancy and birth as a normal: Midwifery Assignment, NUI, Ireland

The National Maternity Strategy claims to be underpinned by a health and wellness approach that views ‘pregnancy and birth as a normal, physiological process for most women’ (DOH 2016). Discuss the challenges of implementing this social model approach in practice, given the biomedical and risk averse culture of maternity services in Ireland.

Your answer should incorporate one or more of the sociological concepts discussed during this module.

Some broad guidance — not prescriptive, nor exhaustive

Your answer should have a clear introduction, main body and conclusion.
Outline the key components of biomedical and social models of health and how the woman is situated in these.

All sociological concepts chosen should be clearly explained and their Relevance to our maternity services discussed (with references).
When discussing challenges, include facilitators and barriers.

Link the social model of care to the role of the midwife (NMBI Scope and Philosophy, with references) Examples should be linked to practice and supported by appropriate evidence.

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