Bio 6 – Write My Paper Today

9-1 Final Project Submission: Summary of Findings Instructions Combine all the previous milestones into a cohesive final paper. Your final paper should include revisions based on the feedback you re

July 30, 2022

Financial Risk Management 6A

July 30, 2022

Create a post of topic ” Nervous System”  on the following:

  • Find a news article that relates to Unit IV (can be found by using Google to search (Links to an external site.)) and explain the relevance of article to their topic
    • Article must be recent (2015 – present)
    • Article must be related to the topic
  • Post 2 questions onto the discussion board for other groups to answer based on your TOPIC (can be content based questions or based from reading the article posted, but students must be able to answer using either the news article or their notes from class/textbook).



Format of the post:

Please copy and paste this format below, and fill in the appropriate information:

  • Topic assigned:
  • Link to the article:
  • Where the study was conducted (usually a university or company):
  • Who the researchers were:
  • What were the main findings:
  • Why you think society should care about this finding – why is it important to us?
  • Question #1 (state if from article or class material):
  • Question #2 (state if from article or class material):

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