Submit Marketing Plan Template Part 1 – Write My Paper Today

 This assignment is due tomorrow at 3 pm July 31, 2022

During this course, you will learn to develop all the essential elements of a Marketing Plan. The purpose of this assignment is to make sure you are familiar with this course’s Marketing Plan Template. It is a well-designed tool for learning and a reference about what a Marketing Plan includes and how to create one. As you go through the course you will be adding to this template. The sections are separated into assignments. After the question is answered delete it from the template. When you come to the SWOT Analysis fill it in with your information and delete the original content.

Student Instructions:

  1. Download the Marketing Plan Template at this link (Links to an external site.): Open it in MS Word.
  2. Take a moment to look over the Marketing Plan Template and notice the different pieces of information it includes.
  3. Add your name to the Title Page of the Marketing Plan Template.
  4. Save the template with a new name using your name.
    1. Example: J.Workman_MKT Plan_v1.doc
  5. Submit this document as an assignment.

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