investigates a key issue in the sustainable business management of Amazon. Use the case study provided to write a formal academic report that discusses the following –1. Waste Hierarchy in delivering sustainability (use Waste Hierarchy framework)2. Key sustainable challenges (Social, Environmental and Economic issues) faced by the case company (use Triple Bottom line theory)This means you should demonstrate your understanding of these two key ideas by applying the theoretical ideas covered in the unit teaching and readings to the case study. You must make sure you anchor your research on the case study in academic theory and use examples from the case study to support your answer. You need to use good sources of information and correctly reference the source of your ideas.

investigates a key issue in the sustainable business management of Amazon. Use the case study provided to write a formal academic report that discusses the following –1. Waste Hierarchy in delivering sustainability (use Waste Hierarchy framework)2. Key sustainable challenges (Social, Environmental and Economic issues) faced by the case company (use Triple Bottom line theory)This means you should demonstrate your understanding of these two key ideas by applying the theoretical ideas covered in the unit teaching and readings to the case study. You must make sure you anchor your research on the case study in academic theory and use examples from the case study to support your answer. You need to use good sources of information and correctly reference the source of your ideas.
• Produce a report evidencing individual research using academic journals listed in the UIF and research about the company given in the assignment task
• Demonstrate your application of knowledge about how sustainability poses at least two areas of threats and opportunities to the case study business
• Report on at least four practical issues and solutions for the business case provided
• Evidence critical reasoning using Harvard style of referencing


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