Reflect on own management and leadership skills using a range of models, and develop and justify a personal development plan that will facilitate an increased level of effective management and leadership.(1500 words).Explain the following transferable skills using relevant theory and apply them to an organisation which you are familiar with or one you can research. (If you do not have experience within an organisation, apply best practice from your learning materials to suggest how they should be implemented within a specific organisation). The skills to consider are as follows: supportive communication,motivation,empowerment,conflict management,team effectiveness.(1500 words)

Reflect on own management and leadership skills using a range of models, and develop and justify a personal development plan that will facilitate an increased level of effective management and leadership.(1500 words).Explain the following transferable skills using relevant theory and apply them to an organisation which you are familiar with or one you can research. (If you do not have experience within an organisation, apply best practice from your learning materials to suggest how they should be implemented within a specific organisation). The skills to consider are as follows:
supportive communication,motivation,empowerment,conflict management,team effectiveness.(1500 words)



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