RUA Nursing Paper Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to investigate informatics in healthcare and to apply professional, ethical, and legal principles to its appropriate use in healthcare technology. Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: CO 4: Investigate safeguards and decision‐making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers. (PO 4) CO 6: Discuss the prin

RUA Nursing Paper Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to investigate informatics in healthcare and to apply professional, ethical, and legal principles to its appropriate use in healthcare technology. Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: CO 4: Investigate safeguards and decision‐making support tools embedded in patient care … Read more

Assignment 4a: Draft of Chapter Introduction After you complete the data analysis using the appropriate statistical software for your design, add the written narrative explaining your analysis. Together, these comprise the draft of Chapter 4. Instructions Submit your draft of Chapter 4. Review the Dissertation Manual and the Dissertation Format document for information on formatting. Remember to use Turabian formatting even though this is a draft.

Assignment 4a: Draft of Chapter Introduction After you complete the data analysis using the appropriate statistical software for your design, add the written narrative explaining your analysis. Together, these comprise the draft of Chapter 4. Instructions Submit your draft of Chapter 4. Review the Dissertation Manual and the Dissertation Format document for information on formatting. … Read more

DEFENSE TRAVEL SYSTEM ASSIGNMENT 2 Your essay must be at least 1500 words (approximately 4-5 pages). Microsoft Word has a word count feature, and you can usually view the word count in the bar at the bottom of Word. If necessary, search Google for help on how to view the Word count in Microsoft Word. Download the attached template, which contains additional instructions (and make sure you follow all instructions in the template!). The template document is also formatted correctly for your essay, so you are encouraged to write directly in the attached document (replacing the paragraphs of instruction with your paragraphs addressing each section). Also note that the template is organized into the specific sections you are required to write about in your essay. Leave all centered sub-headings in the essay, and do not change the wording of them — they are important f

DEFENSE TRAVEL SYSTEM ASSIGNMENT 2 Your essay must be at least 1500 words (approximately 4-5 pages). Microsoft Word has a word count feature, and you can usually view the word count in the bar at the bottom of Word. If necessary, search Google for help on how to view the Word count in Microsoft Word. … Read more

Touchstone 4: Organization Analysis & Strategic Recommendations SCENARIO: Select an organization you are familiar with or have worked for (currently or in the past). You are tasked with analyzing the organization both internally and externally using some of the tools and frameworks you have learned in this course. You are also tasked with recommending changes to the organization’s strategy and structure, in addition to considering associated ethical implications. This assignment requires you to apply SWOT analysis, PESTEL analysis, Porter’s Five Forces of Industry Analysis, Porter’s Generic Strategies, and organization design concepts related to strategy-structure fit. You will prepare a slide deck containing your analysis and recommendations that could be presented to the organization’s Board.

Touchstone 4: Organization Analysis & Strategic Recommendations SCENARIO: Select an organization you are familiar with or have worked for (currently or in the past). You are tasked with analyzing the organization both internally and externally using some of the tools and frameworks you have learned in this course. You are also tasked with recommending changes … Read more

Thin Layer Chromatology Lab 6 Overview In this investigation, students will extract pigments from spinach, then perform thin-layer chromatography to identify the pigments using two solvent solutions and the Rf value of the pigment. Outcomes • Perform a separation of plant pigments using thin-layer chromatography. • Determine the relative polarity of plant pigments based on the Rf value of the TLC plate. • Calculate Rf values of plant pigments. • Explain how thin-layer chromatography works.

Thin Layer Chromatology Lab 6 Overview In this investigation, students will extract pigments from spinach, then perform thin-layer chromatography to identify the pigments using two solvent solutions and the Rf value of the pigment. Outcomes • Perform a separation of plant pigments using thin-layer chromatography. • Determine the relative polarity of plant pigments based on … Read more

Take a Stand on Slavery Read the following pro- and anti-slavery documents Pro-Slavery: -George Fitzhugh Advocates Slavery: -Diseases and Peculiarities of the Negro Race: -James Henry Hammond Advocates Slavery: -Excerpts from Edmund Ruffin’s “The Political Economy of Slavery”: Abolitionists: -David Walker’s Appeal: -Frederick Douglass, “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?”: -The American Antislavery Society: Declarations of Sentiments: Directions Part 1: Essay Focus Questions: 1. What stereotypes do these documents promote about African-Americans? 2. How do these men justify slavery? Or what points do they make about the need to abolish slavery? Should the emancipated slaves remain “on-soil,” that is, in the United States? 3. How do these men envision civilized society and slavery’s place in it? What remarks do the abolitionists make about the conditions under which the slaves worked and lived? The pro-slavery writers? 4. What are your impressions about the attitudes these men had about slavery, whether they were slavery proponents or abolitionists? 5. In what ways are the arguments of these men reflective of racial prejudice?

Take a Stand on Slavery Read the following pro- and anti-slavery documents Pro-Slavery: -George Fitzhugh Advocates Slavery: -Diseases and Peculiarities of the Negro Race: -James Henry Hammond Advocates Slavery: -Excerpts from Edmund Ruffin’s “The Political Economy of Slavery”: Abolitionists: -David Walker’s Appeal: -Frederick Douglass, “What to the Slave is the … Read more

How can we most affordably and effectively pay for the remodel of our kitchen which is pictured below? (Picture either provided by instructor or chosen by students) (The implication is if we pay for it, we will need to define the work that was done.) You are going to get two different grades for this project. The first grade is what will go in the grade book and is based on the information below. The second “grade” is actually a score that gets reported to the college based on how well you follow the Problem Solving Rubric (attached). This score does not affect your grade, but you should try to follow both my scoring guidelines as well as the Problem Solving Rubric when you are working through this project. This is how your grade will be determine for this course: Define the problem – 10 Points Create a well-defined problem statement. Identify Strategies – 20 Points Describe multiple strategies you will use to solve the problem. Ex, where would you look for appliances, any special time of year, bundles, sales, etc? Also, how do you finance, store credit, credit card, bank loan, etc? Propose Solutions – 20 Points Cite sources, show ads, details!, credit card interest rates, loan information, etc Evaluate Potential Solutions – 20 Points Do the math – take your solutions and show how you could finance them… store credit, bank loan, credit card with interest rates, etc How much would each solution cost in the long run if you include financing and interest? Evaluate Impact of Potential Solutions – 20 Points Of the solutions, what works best for you? Would this be the best for everyone? Why would someone choose one solution while you choose another? Reflect on Problem Solving Process – 10 points Summarize this project Remember to use both rubrics as you work through this project. I have opened up a discussion board to ask project based questions. Please read through all previous posts before adding a new one, because your question may already be answered. This project must be submitted via word document (.doc)

How can we most affordably and effectively pay for the remodel of our kitchen which is pictured below? (Picture either provided by instructor or chosen by students) (The implication is if we pay for it, we will need to define the work that was done.) You are going to get two different grades for this … Read more

Elasticity in microeconomics Your research paper topic will cover a specific area that relates to elasticity in microeconomics. The topic should be chosen in consultation with the professor. Students write the report as if they were a company or industry consultants considering the establishment/maintenance of price, quantity produced or sold, or a change in price or quantity. Your paper must include the following elements (this forms the basis of the project rubric): • Detailed elasticity analysis for a product or brand. • Calculations for at least two types of elasticity (examples: price, income elasticity) • Cover page, Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Analysis, Conclusions (should be the bulk of the paper, written in the role of a consultant), References, Appendices • Links to each electronic citation used, when able. APA adherence, original work (see plagiarism standard), and full reference captions for figures, pictures, logos, or other copied work used for educational purposes

Elasticity in microeconomics Your research paper topic will cover a specific area that relates to elasticity in microeconomics. The topic should be chosen in consultation with the professor. Students write the report as if they were a company or industry consultants considering the establishment/maintenance of price, quantity produced or sold, or a change in price … Read more

EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE AND APPLIED NURSING RESEARCH REVISION Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide. You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course. Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other su

EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE AND APPLIED NURSING RESEARCH REVISION Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that … Read more

Endocrine System Lab Report For this assignment you will complete a lab experiment on Physio Ex. After completing the experiment, you will write a lab report that consists of: Title page: Includes an informative title, class and section name, instructor name and date of submission ( 5 pts) Introduction: Briefly explain the anatomical and physiological concepts in the laboratory activity. Provide background information to give the reader a basic understanding of the subject matter. Give an overview of the purpose of the activity. ( 20 pts) Material and Methods: Describe the pro

Endocrine System Lab Report For this assignment you will complete a lab experiment on Physio Ex. After completing the experiment, you will write a lab report that consists of: Title page: Includes an informative title, class and section name, instructor name and date of submission ( 5 pts) Introduction: Briefly explain the anatomical and physiological … Read more


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