Data analysis in criminal justice Assignment Overview Unit 3 – Individual Project Criminal justice agencies often gather large quantities of variables to be used in descriptive analyses. That is, to help describe situations, populations, and so on. For instance, the Department of Corrections collects data on inmates. Variables often include crime type, race, gender, originating jurisdiction (where they were convicted), education level, and many others. These data are often captured categorically rather than numerically. For instance, education level might be captured by simply identifying the name of the highest grade an offender achieved, such as high school diploma or GED, Bachelor’s degree, Associates degree, and so forth. Similarly, race data are most often captured by recording the label of the race the offender belongs to, such as Caucasian, African American, A

Data analysis in criminal justice Assignment Overview Unit 3 – Individual Project Criminal justice agencies often gather large quantities of variables to be used in descriptive analyses. That is, to help describe situations, populations, and so on. For instance, the Department of Corrections collects data on inmates. Variables often include crime type, race, gender, originating … Read more

Discourse Community Analysis of Criminology and Law Part One In a brief essay of at least 700 words, describe how scholars in your field conduct research for publication. Here are a few questions to help you get started thinking about this subject: • What unique viewpoint does your discipline bring to problems or real-world situations? • What lens do people in your discipline view problems through? • What kinds of debates do scholars in your field write about? Alternatively, what kinds of researchers are involved in research on your topic? • What are some current topics scholarly articles in your field tackle? Or, who are the most current voices in the conversation on your topic? • Do scholars in y

Discourse Community Analysis of Criminology and Law Part One In a brief essay of at least 700 words, describe how scholars in your field conduct research for publication. Here are a few questions to help you get started thinking about this subject: • What unique viewpoint does your discipline bring to problems or real-world situations? … Read more

Discussion Post Describe the contents and structure of gender stereotypes, especially in terms of the dimensions of agency and communion; discuss the social consequences of violating prescriptive and proscriptive gender stereotypes. Use book as source Bosson, J. K., Buckner, C. E., & Vandello, J. A. (2021). The Psychology of Sex and Gender (2nd ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc.

Discussion Post Describe the contents and structure of gender stereotypes, especially in terms of the dimensions of agency and communion; discuss the social consequences of violating prescriptive and proscriptive gender stereotypes. Use book as source Bosson, J. K., Buckner, C. E., & Vandello, J. A. (2021). The Psychology of Sex and Gender (2nd ed.). SAGE … Read more

Eating Disorders Write a post discussing your thoughts about the stigma surrounding eating disorders. Discuss the role that you feel that family and cultural practices can play in the development of eating disorders. Find a video that discusses diet culture, eating disorders and ethnic minorities, or that speaks on an aspect of eating disorders that you found informational and interesting and share it here.

Eating Disorders Write a post discussing your thoughts about the stigma surrounding eating disorders. Discuss the role that you feel that family and cultural practices can play in the development of eating disorders. Find a video that discusses diet culture, eating disorders and ethnic minorities, or that speaks on an aspect of eating disorders that … Read more

Health and Nutrition website (1) Go through the NLM’s MedlinePlus “Evaluating Internet Health Information Tutorial” a 16-minute presentation on how to evaluate health information on the internet. (2) Select a COMMERCIAL health and/or nutrition website. The website you select should have “.com” in the URL. DO NOT choose a government agency (.gov) or a non-profit organization (.org) or (.edu) Be adventurous –select a website whose information may be questionable. You are to test how well the Medline Checklist works as a tool to evaluate nutrition/wellness websites. Then write a short essay about its usefulness. Apply the Medline checklist to a commercial health and/or nutrition web

Health and Nutrition website (1) Go through the NLM’s MedlinePlus “Evaluating Internet Health Information Tutorial” a 16-minute presentation on how to evaluate health information on the internet. (2) Select a COMMERCIAL health and/or nutrition website. The website you select should have “.com” in the URL. DO NOT choose a government agency (.gov) or a … Read more

Course: Introduction do eBusiness Module 3: Privacy, Security, and Payments Module Goals After completing this module, students will be able to do the following: Describe the nature and the scope of the security and privacy issues confronting eBusinesses. Identify the key security threats in the e-commerce environment. Characterize the importance of policies, procedures, and laws in creating security. Discuss how technology helps secure Internet communications channels and protect networks, servers, and clients Describe the featur

Course: Introduction do eBusiness Module 3: Privacy, Security, and Payments Module Goals After completing this module, students will be able to do the following: Describe the nature and the scope of the security and privacy issues confronting eBusinesses. Identify the key security threats in the e-commerce environment. Characterize the importance of policies, procedures, and laws … Read more

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY STUDY OBJECTIVE This “seed grant” research project compiled a set of 56 US public opinion polls that asked respondents their opinions about public transit. The goal of the work was two-fold. The first and primary goal was to assemble a large set of transit-related survey questions that can be used to inspire the design of future surveys on the topic of public transit. The assembled collection of questions will help future researchers and transit planners by: 1. Identifying the key topics of interest in public opinion research on public transit; 2. Identifying topics that have been poorly researched to date and may thus be worth– while for future research; and 3. Providing a bank of questions that can be used to generate ideas for future question wording.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY STUDY OBJECTIVE This “seed grant” research project compiled a set of 56 US public opinion polls that asked respondents their opinions about public transit. The goal of the work was two-fold. The first and primary goal was to assemble a large set of transit-related survey questions that can be used to inspire the … Read more

WEEK3 NR-504 MSN-prepared nurses serve as leaders across a wide array of healthcare and organizational contexts, influencing individuals, teams, organizations, and communities. Recognizing this far-reaching impact of the MSN-prepared nurse as leader in shaping healthcare and the profession, respond to the following. Why are self-care and self-leadership important, and how do they relate to one’s competency as a leader? How is self-care related to self-leadership? Based upon the Chamberlain Care Model, what are the implications when adequate self-care is present? What are the implications when self-care is lacking or absent? How are self-care and self-leadership reflected in the principles of authentic leadership? What are the implications of effective self-leadership and self-care in your future MSN role? Provide two recommendations to further cultivate self-care and self-leadership. Provide two recommendations to further cultivate self-care and self-leadership. Include current, peer-reviewed scholarly support (outside of class resources) to validate your work.

WEEK3 NR-504 MSN-prepared nurses serve as leaders across a wide array of healthcare and organizational contexts, influencing individuals, teams, organizations, and communities. Recognizing this far-reaching impact of the MSN-prepared nurse as leader in shaping healthcare and the profession, respond to the following. Why are self-care and self-leadership important, and how do they relate to one’s … Read more

Metamorphic Rocks Introduction Metamorphic rocks are, simply put, rocks that are “changed”. That is they started out as igneous, sedimentary or other metamorphic rocks and through one or more of the processes of burial, heating or pressurization they have been transformed into new types of rocks. Use the supplied “Metamorphic Rocks Supplemental Information” sheet and webpage/videos linked below to answer the questions in this lab. Have fun!!! Informational/Lab Webpa

Metamorphic Rocks Introduction Metamorphic rocks are, simply put, rocks that are “changed”. That is they started out as igneous, sedimentary or other metamorphic rocks and through one or more of the processes of burial, heating or pressurization they have been transformed into new types of rocks. Use the supplied “Metamorphic Rocks Supplemental Information” sheet and … Read more


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