Utilizing the narration option in PowerPoint or another presentation tool that allows you to record your voice and presentation, showcase your completed portfolio. Explain your selection of artifacts, how they address the assigned learning outcome, and how they portray your learning throughout this program. Your presentation should include: An introductory slide — share your name, your program of study, and brief background information such as your current profession, future goals, etc. One slide for each of your program learning outcomes and one sentence about the artifacts selected to demonstrate mastery of the program learning outcome A closing slide — provide a very brief statement about your area of interest for your doctoral research. Your total presentation should not exceed five minutes and a maximum of 12 slides. Fewer slides is fine. You should narrate each slide. For assistance with creating the presentation, review the recommended resources for this week.

Utilizing the narration option in PowerPoint or another presentation tool that allows you to record your voice and presentation, showcase your completed portfolio. Explain your selection of artifacts, how they address the assigned learning outcome, and how they portray your learning throughout this program. Your presentation should include: An introductory slide — share your name, … Read more

Instruction Module 3: The Learner and Learning in a Digital Age Unit 2: Learning in a Digital Age Rita Instructor Activity 2: Differentiated Instruction Strategies Criteria Project Description Overview In the previous week, you collaborated with your cohort to gather information on student-centered learning. You have also gathered a variety of information on your existing or future students. Now you will synthesize all this information and reflect on those student-centered activities, approaches, and practices that are most relevant and applicable to your students. Being acquainted with a variety of student-centered activities, approaches, and practices is grand, but it’s not enough. You need to choose and apply this informati

Instruction Module 3: The Learner and Learning in a Digital Age Unit 2: Learning in a Digital Age Rita Instructor Activity 2: Differentiated Instruction Strategies Criteria Project Description Overview In the previous week, you collaborated with your cohort to gather information on student-centered learning. You have also gathered a variety of information on your existing … Read more

Job Descriptions. Write a 1,250-word paper in which you detail the essential sections needed in an effective job description. Support your paper with course materials and at least three (3) additional sources. Use correct APA format throughout. Approximately 1,000 words are needed for the research section and 250 words for the job description.

Job Descriptions. Write a 1,250-word paper in which you detail the essential sections needed in an effective job description. Support your paper with course materials and at least three (3) additional sources. Use correct APA format throughout. Approximately 1,000 words are needed for the research section and 250 words for the job description.

Accounting. 1) Cripple Creek Company has one trusted employee who, as the owner said, “handles all of the bookkeeping and paperwork for the company.” This employee is responsible for counting, verifying, and recording cash receipts and payments; making the weekly bank deposit; preparing checks for

Accounting. 1) Cripple Creek Company has one trusted employee who, as the owner said, “handles all of the bookkeeping and paperwork for the company.” This employee is responsible for counting, verifying, and recording cash receipts and payments; making the weekly bank deposit; preparing checks for major expenditures (signed by the owner); making small expenditures from … Read more

Prevention program Design a small prevention program that could be implemented at a health fair, at a workplace, or in a school. Articulate the social, biological, and psychological consequences of addictive behaviors to an at-risk population and contextualize issues of addiction in historical and social frameworks.

Prevention program Design a small prevention program that could be implemented at a health fair, at a workplace, or in a school. Articulate the social, biological, and psychological consequences of addictive behaviors to an at-risk population and contextualize issues of addiction in historical and social frameworks.

Television studies Write 800 words answering the following question. Discuss how reality TV might be considered harmful, referring to the readings and also drawing on your broader understanding of issues and readings within the topic.

Television studies Write 800 words answering the following question. Discuss how reality TV might be considered harmful, referring to the readings  and also drawing on your broader understanding of issues and readings within the topic.

Classroom observations & written reflection Carry out 2 peer observations of colleagues’ teaching and follow up by giving them some informal feedback. Invite a colleague to observe your teaching and request informal feedback. Write a reflective report containing reflections on your experience of observing your peers, of giving feedback, of being observed, and receiving feedback. Identify an aspect of your teaching practice which you plan to develop to enhance your students’ learning and provide an action plan with reference to literature. (2,500 words)

Classroom observations & written reflection Carry out 2 peer observations of colleagues’ teaching and follow up by giving them some informal feedback. Invite a colleague to observe your teaching and request informal feedback. Write a reflective report containing reflections on your experience of observing your peers, of giving feedback, of being observed, and receiving feedback. … Read more

Case Study Diaz vs. Hillsbourgh County Hospital Authority. Download and read the Case Study: Diaz vs. Hillsbourgh County Hospital Authority. (Links to an external site.) Answer the following questions. Use complete sentences, paraphrases, and quotes to support your answers when appropriate. Remember to include citations. What other actions could the nurse have taken? Which do you think is the most ethical? What is the role of the medical residents in this case? Please be sure to analyze their ethical implications. What is the role of the nurse supervisor? Please be sure to analyze the supervisor’s role in terms of ethics. In the case study, Dr. Morales felt that he had done nothing wrong and he never did anything harmful to a research subject. Why do you think he feels his actions were justified? What are some circumstances where you feel that not notifying the research subject about her or his participation in a study would be justified? Some of the pregnant women in this case study were subjected to five or six amniocentesis. Why do you think they never questioned the number of procedures they were receiving? Why didn’t any other nurses or hospital personnel blow the whistle on these unethical practices? What prevents whistle-blowing?

Case Study Diaz vs. Hillsbourgh County Hospital Authority. Download and read the Case Study: Diaz vs. Hillsbourgh County Hospital Authority. (Links to an external site.) Answer the following questions. Use complete sentences, paraphrases, and quotes to support your answers when appropriate. Remember to include citations. What other actions could the nurse have taken? Which do … Read more


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