This week will be discussing about tools and perspectives for understanding the relationship between culture and health and the emotional and moral dimensions of health and its impact of diverse cultures. You can consult: Chapters 3, 4, 5 of your book (Essentials of Health, Culture, and Diversity Understanding People, Reducing Disparities by Mark Edberg, 2013); and, Culture, Customs, and Beliefs: Tool #10” 1. Present one theory or model within the field of public health which describes either how people maintain health and/or how illness is caused? Even if this is not your personal viewpoint/belief, how can these multiple theories and models be beneficial to public health professionals? Review all peer submissions and become familiar with the multiple theories and models. Respond to two peers’ posts asking any questions or verifying your analysis of the theory/model. 2. What role should culture play in how a person’s health issues are handled? Is this demonstrated in the health system today? Support your position with examples and/or evidence.

This week will be discussing about tools and perspectives for understanding the relationship between culture and health and the emotional and moral dimensions of health and its impact of diverse cultures. You can consult: Chapters 3, 4, 5 of your book (Essentials of Health, Culture, and Diversity Understanding People, Reducing Disparities by Mark Edberg, 2013); … Read more

Assignment Overview Review the elements included in a PICOT statement to guide evidence-based nursing practice. Consider various problems that impact nursing practice, health or organizational outcomes.  consider a specific issue that is interest to you professionally, or an issue that impacts your future MSN role. Once you have identified one practice issue, you will complete the PICOT Worksheet by addressing the items below. Using a minimum of two scholarly nursing sources, current within five years

Assignment Overview Review the elements included in a PICOT statement to guide evidence-based nursing practice. Consider various problems that impact nursing practice, health or organizational outcomes.  consider a specific issue that is interest to you professionally, or an issue that impacts your future MSN role.   Once you have identified one practice issue, you will … Read more

Choose one of the following prompts to discuss: Option 1 Though the Renaissance period represented a “rebirth” of artistic creation in these areas of Europe, the art of the Northern Renaissance was very different from Italian Renaissance art in both inspiration and execution. Compare and contrast the general similarities and differences in the art of the Northern and Italian Renaissances. What were the sources of inspiration? (i.e. humanism, private devotion, etc.) What mediums

Choose one of the following prompts to discuss: Option 1 Though the Renaissance period represented a “rebirth” of artistic creation in these areas of Europe, the art of the Northern Renaissance was very different from Italian Renaissance art in both inspiration and execution. Compare and contrast the general similarities and differences in the art of … Read more

INSTRUCTIONS (50 points): Imagine that you are a strategic management analyst and prepare a report for the CEO. Post your responses to the following: Describe a firm that you think has been highly innovative Which of the four types of strategic innovation-radical, incremental, disruptive or architectural-did it use? Explain your answer. Did the firm use different types of innovation over time?

INSTRUCTIONS (50 points): Imagine that you are a strategic management analyst and prepare a report for the CEO. Post your responses to the following: Describe a firm that you think has been highly innovative Which of the four types of strategic innovation-radical, incremental, disruptive or architectural-did it use? Explain your answer. Did the firm use … Read more

The Rococo style grew out of the late Baroque style in France and became popular among the French aristocrats who moved from Versailles to Paris after the death of Louis XIV. Neoclassicism then emerged as a stark contrast to Rococo tastes in support of the French Revolution. Respond to each of the following questions: 1.What are the main subjects and themes of Rococo art? How do these differ from the Baroque art that we discussed in the previous module (hint: Christianity vs. worldly)? Cite ONE example to support your argument 2. How did the style and ideals of Neoclassical artists such as Jacques-Louis David oppose those of the Rococo? Compare and contrast one Rococo work of art to a Neoclassical work of art. 3.What are the major stylistic and iconographic differences?

The Rococo style grew out of the late Baroque style in France and became popular among the French aristocrats who moved from Versailles to Paris after the death of Louis XIV. Neoclassicism then emerged as a stark contrast to Rococo tastes in support of the French Revolution. Respond to each of the following questions: 1.What … Read more

Counter Theft program Exam Content Imagine you are a recruiting security executive for a regional security company, and your job is to recruit customers. Your firm specializes in security for malls and shopping centers and is the largest company in the region providing both unarmed and armed security officers. Apply the concepts of rational choice theory and other theories to develop a countertheft program in a commercial or public setting. Create a visually attractive promotional pamphlet explaining those concepts and methods. To demonstrate the existence of a crime issue, use data from UCR, NIBRS, and NCVS (from and Crime in the U.S.) for the area in which you reside. Research and use security industry information regarding successful programs of a similar type. Consider using crime prevention through environmental design, retail anti-theft devices, inventory control, signage, and surveillance systems. Note that your program will be presented to the CEOs of several organizations within a shopping mall. You will be competing with multiple companies for the contract to provide safety and security to this facility. Your pamphlets will be evaluated on the information provided in terms of conciseness, usefulness of the information presented, visual appeal of the pamphlet, and ease of understanding of the material presented.

Counter Theft program Exam Content Imagine you are a recruiting security executive for a regional security company, and your job is to recruit customers. Your firm specializes in security for malls and shopping centers and is the largest company in the region providing both unarmed and armed security officers. Apply the concepts of rational choice … Read more

Different forms of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins Article Critique: Write three short article critiques using original research articles not review articles within the last 10 years that compare different forms of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins one for each. It doesn’t need to be an exercise study; any study comparing different forms in adults or animals will work. However, try and avoid clinical populations. A review article may not be used for these assignments. The critique must include the following: introduction, purpose, participant description, procedures/methods, results, discussion, and your personal reflections.

Different forms of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins Article Critique: Write three short article critiques using original research articles not review articles within the last 10 years that compare different forms of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins one for each. It doesn’t need to be an exercise study; any study comparing different forms in adults or animals … Read more

Case Study:  Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections and the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome The spread of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and of the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) that results from prolonged exposure to the HIV virus is the most significant epidemiological occurrence of the latter part of the Twentieth Century. Changes in sexual behaviors in the 1960s and 1970s associated with the “sexual revolution” created a fertile societal environment for the spread of disease.  In particular, male homosexuals were the segment of the population most significantly impacted by the infection in the years during which these disea

Case Study:  Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections and the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome The spread of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and of the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) that results from prolonged exposure to the HIV virus is the most significant epidemiological occurrence of the latter part of the Twentieth Century. Changes in sexual behaviors in the 1960s … Read more

Discourse Development Topic: Nursing is the largest profession in healthcare, which should lend nursing to have the greatest impact in healthcare policy. What do you think prevents nurses from using their power to influence healthcare? Discuss To get real-life insight on the topic mentioned above, I interviewed advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) through teleconference video call, the call was not recorded on the interviewee’s request, notes were taken, and her information is provided below Interviewee – Dr. Erum Jiva – DNP, ARNP-BC, CLS Dr. Erum Jiva initiated first lipid clinic in Ocala, FL. It is the only medical practice in the Ocala devoted exclusively to cholesterol disorders. Dr. Jiva is certified by the Accreditation Council for Clinical Lipidology (ACCL). she is active member of National Lipid Association, American Society of Preventive Cardiology, Preventive Cardiovascular Nurse Association and American Association of Nurse Practitioners.

Discourse Development Topic: Nursing is the largest profession in healthcare, which should lend nursing to have the greatest impact in healthcare policy. What do you think prevents nurses from using their power to influence healthcare? Discuss To get real-life insight on the topic mentioned above, I interviewed advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) through teleconference video … Read more


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