New metaverse games based on artificial intelligence 1. Introduction – social situation pandemic of Covid impact of AI, e.g., image processing (GAN and etc.) Natural language processing (Transformer, i.e., Bert, GTP-3 and etc.) – New trends Covid and AI give our society an huge impact to make it change into a new society. for example, … What new technology is coming out, what social change is happening. Explain

New metaverse games based on artificial intelligence 1. Introduction – social situation pandemic of Covid impact of AI, e.g., image processing (GAN and etc.) Natural language processing (Transformer, i.e., Bert, GTP-3 and etc.) – New trends Covid and AI give our society an huge impact to make it change into a new society. for example, … Read more

Translating English Swear Words in Scorseses’s Film Casino. How translators translate English Swear words in Casino (1995), I mean the strategies that applied according to According to Gottlieb (1992: 166), the subtitling strategies are expansion, paraphrase, transfer, imitation, transcription, dislocation, condensation, decimation, deletion, and resignation. And what are the types of swear words that appear on the screen in the film according to Timothy Jay’s book Cursing in America (1992). What is swear words, what is audiovisual: subtitling, dubbing. What is the influence of the conservative societies on the way translators translate swear words especially Islam. Explain

Translating English Swear Words in Scorseses’s Film Casino. How translators translate English Swear words in Casino (1995), I mean the strategies that applied according to According to Gottlieb (1992: 166), the subtitling strategies are expansion, paraphrase, transfer, imitation, transcription, dislocation, condensation, decimation, deletion, and resignation. And what are the types of swear words that appear … Read more

Overview – In this activity you are to review the product liability case below and create a brief that summarizes its legal elements and holding. Instructions – Read Estate of Simpson v. GM, LLC. Using the Week 3 Activity Template, accurately summarize the following regarding design, manufacturing, and failure-to-warn causes of action in a brief that effectively lays out the following legal elements of the case: Case facts. Parties and their arguments. Proceedings of the court case – what happened in the court(s)? Applicable product liability defect law

Overview – In this activity you are to review the product liability case below and create a brief that summarizes its legal elements and holding. Instructions – Read Estate of Simpson v. GM, LLC. Using the Week 3 Activity Template, accurately summarize the following regarding design, manufacturing, and failure-to-warn causes of action in a brief … Read more

Standards in Teaching Diverse Student Populations Imagine you’ve been asked to present at a conference on teaching strategies for addressing individual learner needs and curriculum assessments. Many new teachers will be attending, and your insight will be valuable to them for teaching in today’s diverse classroom. Create a 12- to 14-slide presentation, with detailed speaker notes, that addresses the following: Explain students’ needs and abilities through the stages of development. Reference models put forth by Piaget, Erikson, Kohlberg, and Maslow in your explanation. Explain multiple intelligences, learning style preferences, and the influences these theories have on the ways teachers plan and deliver concepts to elementary school-age children. Explain teaching strategies that can

Standards in Teaching Diverse Student Populations Imagine you’ve been asked to present at a conference on teaching strategies for addressing individual learner needs and curriculum assessments. Many new teachers will be attending, and your insight will be valuable to them for teaching in today’s diverse classroom.   Create a 12- to 14-slide presentation, with detailed … Read more

Scenario: Your local community center has started to host orientation classes for groups of parents of middle- and high-school-aged children. These families have recently moved to the area or are looking to relocate and want to know more about your community. You are part of a group of citizens who wants to support these parents by sharing information about local crime and substance use issues so that they can make informed choices for

Assignment Content Sociological research can be used to provide information to inform communities about human behaviors in their neighborhood. Citizens can then use that information to understand and develop actions to take which could impact the quality of life for the groups who live there. This week’s assignment will give you the opportunity to consider … Read more

Nurse leaders, whether at the unit or organizational level, play a pivotal role within any given organizational structure in creating a healthy, motivating work environment. These environments are ones that encourage workers to perform their best and continue to develop professionally. The underlying belief about motivation is that behaviors and actions of individuals are driven by internal and external factors. They possess these in varying degrees and are not the same for everyone. Motivational theory provides the foundation for creating strategies for motivating people to perform well and be satisfied in their jobs. Consider this scenari

Nurse leaders, whether at the unit or organizational level, play a pivotal role within any given organizational structure in creating a healthy, motivating work environment. These environments are ones that encourage workers to perform their best and continue to develop professionally. The underlying belief about motivation is that behaviors and actions of individuals are driven … Read more

Read Mini Case 9, Disney: Building Billion-Dollar Franchises (page 499-502) (50 points): Post your responses to the following: What type of strategic alliance was created between Disney and Pixar? Discuss how Disney achieve competitive advantage from this alliance.

Read Mini Case 9, Disney: Building Billion-Dollar Franchises (page 499-502) (50 points): Post your responses to the following: What type of strategic alliance was created between Disney and Pixar? Discuss how Disney achieve competitive advantage from this alliance.

Basic Quantitative Methods Overview: Write A Calculations and Report worksheet with 2 parts requiring you to perform calculations and then analyze them to determine how the company All Stores is doing and then provide recommendations to your manager on what to do about your findings. *As always, 1:1 coaching sessions are available to you. Deliverable (1): Calculations and Report Document Video Previews: Video Preview#1: Declining Sales Video Preview#2: Skeleton Crew Video Preview#3: Rent v. Buy Helpful Resources: Supporting Materials: All-Store Profit and Loss Statement All-Store Hours and Staffing Notes All-Store Loan Estimate All-Store June Bank Account Statement Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median, and Mode Key terms: Sales and revenue mean the same thing. Revenue is the amount of money a company gets when a customer buys something

Basic Quantitative Methods Overview: Write A Calculations and Report worksheet with 2 parts requiring you to perform calculations and then analyze them to determine how the company All Stores is doing and then provide recommendations to your manager on what to do about your findings. *As always, 1:1 coaching sessions are available to you. Deliverable … Read more

Body Cameras What are Police Body Worn Cameras? How does the use of this technology help/enhance, hinder, or contribute to police incident reports and criminal investigations? What information or evidence exists to support your position?

Body Cameras What are Police Body Worn Cameras? How does the use of this technology help/enhance, hinder, or contribute to police incident reports and criminal investigations? What information or evidence exists to support your position?

Imagine that you have been invited to join a strategic leadership team to upgrade or replace the existing electronic health record (EHR) system. Wireless hardware solutions and mobile device options may also be included. Mobile functionality (mobile EHR interfaces) increases EHR adoption and communication between providers and health care facility staff. Review several vendors and their products. Summarize the top five vendors and their products. Explain why you chose these vendors. Write a 750-1,000-word request for proposal (RFP) that includes the following criteria: Summarize vital criteria you would require in the ensuing RFP and vendor demos (if applicable) to make your final selection recommendation. Describe the selection process requirements: demonstrations, presentations, testing, installation, etc. Evaluate the importance of interprofessional stakeholder feedback from demonstrations, presentations, testing, and installation. Discuss ratings by third-party organizations, such as KLAS Research. Discuss any feedback from site visits or current user interviews. Discuss the details of their pricing models and contracts, including contractual duration, cost of severing the contract early, support fees, upgrade fees, and service-level agreements.

Imagine that you have been invited to join a strategic leadership team to upgrade or replace the existing electronic health record (EHR) system. Wireless hardware solutions and mobile device options may also be included. Mobile functionality (mobile EHR interfaces) increases EHR adoption and communication between providers and health care facility staff. Review several vendors and … Read more


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