DEVELOPING SOFT SKILLS Employers want their employees to have certain soft skills like communication skills, critical thinking, time management, etc. respond to the following in a substantive post (2–3 paragraphs): In one paragraph, describe some soft skills you possess. How did you gain these skills? How might you recommend to others to improve these skills? In another paragraph, describe a soft skill you need to work on developing. What are some tips you’ve picked up that you plan to put into practice? How will this skill help you in your career? One assumed soft skill is downloading software. This is something you’ll be expected to do regularly in an IT role. What sort of things might you need to know in order to download software on the job?

DEVELOPING SOFT SKILLS Employers want their employees to have certain soft skills like communication skills, critical thinking, time management, etc. respond to the following in a substantive post (2–3 paragraphs): In one paragraph, describe some soft skills you possess. How did you gain these skills? How might you recommend to others to improve these skills? … Read more

Post a 2- to 3-paragraph response in which you share one point about happiness where spiritual traditions are in conflict with science and contemporary life, and one point about happiness where spiritual traditions and science can be in concert with one another. Then, Describe the role of advertising in our contemporary world and discuss what part you think it might play in people’s perceptions of their own happiness. Support your assertions by making at least 2 references.

Post a 2- to 3-paragraph response in which you share one point about happiness where spiritual traditions are in conflict with science and contemporary life, and one point about happiness where spiritual traditions and science can be in concert with one another. Then, Describe the role of advertising in our contemporary world and discuss what … Read more

Fluency Answer the following questions below: Although not the only skill necessary to fluent reading, easy word recognition remains a central aspect. So how should that inform instruction—through the grades? Explain Also, what does it mean that fluency is not, as many people have conceived, simply a stage of early reading development, but is an ongoing process? What are the implications for teaching youngsters of different ages and within different subject areas? Fluency Main Idea Application/Details/Questions Fluency has a stronghold in reading due to its high correlation with comprehension (.91). This paired with the 4 part processing system explains that fluency is a necessary but NOT sufficient element for successful reading comprehension. • Although not the only skill necessary to fluent reading, easy word recognition remains a central aspect. So how should that inform instruction— through the grades? Also, what does it mean that fluency is not, as many people have conceived, simply a stage of early reading development, but is an ongoing process? What are the implications for teaching youngsters of different ages and within different subject area

Fluency Answer the following questions below: Although not the only skill necessary to fluent reading, easy word recognition remains a central aspect. So how should that inform instruction—through the grades? Explain Also, what does it mean that fluency is not, as many people have conceived, simply a stage of early reading development, but is an … Read more

EDUC721-Literature Review Assignment Write a Literature Review paper on a topic within the field of exceptionality in education. You must use at least 17 scholarly sources (outside of course texts). The body of the review must be at least 12 pages long. Adhere to current APA formatting guidelines and use the Writing Guide provided below for guidance when writing the title, abstract, reference pages, and the body of the paper. -Online Library Research Portal-

EDUC721-Literature Review Assignment Write a Literature Review paper on a topic within the field of exceptionality in education. You must use at least 17 scholarly sources (outside of course texts). The body of the review must be at least 12 pages long. Adhere to current APA formatting guidelines and use the Writing Guide provided below … Read more

Zanderville Healthcare Systems, a regional, acute care facility in the foothills of the Appalachians is committed to delivering quality healthcare to its local and neighboring communities. The population it serves is diverse by gender and ethnicity. The primary payer for healthcare services is CMS. Over the past six months the acute care facility has experienced a 25 % increase in readmissions from this payer group within the first 30 days of discharge. The economic impact on the health system has been negative and patients’ satisfaction with their hospital experience has declined. Senior leadership has charged you, the nurse executive, to convene an ad-hoc task force to perform an outcomes audit and propose an intervention. Currently patients receive a follow-up telephone call about 7 days following discharge. You decide to use an evidenc

Zanderville Healthcare Systems, a regional, acute care facility in the foothills of the Appalachians is committed to delivering quality healthcare to its local and neighboring communities. The population it serves is diverse by gender and ethnicity. The primary payer for healthcare services is CMS. Over the past six months the acute care facility has experienced … Read more

This week’s collaboration focuses on two power concepts, personal power base and empowerment, and how they are related. Regardless of the type of formal power a nurse may have, whether a novice or expert in the role as leader, each must develop a personal power base. Part of becoming a transformative leader is learning to empower others and is related to having a personal power base. annotate/bold each topic addressed in response: 1. What is a personal power base and what is (or has been) your plan for building one? 2. Have you had any experience with having to rebuild it because of a position change or change in practice location? 3. What was that experience like? 4. Empowering others is reciprocal in nature. What does this mean? 5. What is the relationship between having a strong personal power base and the ability to empower others?

This week’s collaboration focuses on two power concepts, personal power base and empowerment, and how they are related. Regardless of the type of formal power a nurse may have, whether a novice or expert in the role as leader, each must develop a personal power base. Part of becoming a transformative leader is learning to … Read more

Statement of Purpose Describe a professional situation where you demonstrated one of the following leadership competencies: visionary, strategic, tactical, focused, persuasive, likable, decisive, ethical or inspirational. Describe a situation where you used your skills to solve real-world problems or describe any hardship or struggle you endured to get to where you are today. Give us insight into an entrepreneurial endeavor you spearheaded or were a key contributor to.

Statement of Purpose Describe a professional situation where you demonstrated one of the following leadership competencies: visionary, strategic, tactical, focused, persuasive, likable, decisive, ethical or inspirational. Describe a situation where you used your skills to solve real-world problems or describe any hardship or struggle you endured to get to where you are today. Give us … Read more

Find a Cultural Group Investigate any cultural group that you choose and want to learn more about (past or present time). Answer Focus Questions -Describe the relationship between your cultural group, their environment, and/or belief system that provides subsistence and survival. -Expand on the unique features of the culture that stand out regarding social structure, kinship systems, tools, adaptation, trade, etc. -Choose one example from this list and examine your cultural group’s use of any environmental or sustainable practices: -Are there lessons learned from industrial agriculturalists to reduce costs and adopt renewal resources through solar, wind power, biodiesel, or grey water recycling? -Are there lessons learned from horticulturalists or agriculturalists to mitigate deforestation, habitat loss, and/or disease, use slash and burn agriculture, or rotate crops? -Are there lessons learned from pastoralists or foragers to regenerate plant resources, save water, or regenerate the desert by moving camps or livestock? -Explain how the cultural group’s traditional way(s) of life are becoming modernized to adapt to a changing environment, government policies, or any other reason for adapting their tradition way of life. Submission Write an Essay (25 sentences plus reference) – Note the name of the culture & subsistence strategy (ex: Bantu, Horticulture) at the top of the page.

Find a Cultural Group Investigate any cultural group that you choose and want to learn more about (past or present time). Answer Focus Questions -Describe the relationship between your cultural group, their environment, and/or belief system that provides subsistence and survival. -Expand on the unique features of the culture that stand out regarding social structure, … Read more


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