Steps: -Read & Review Ethnographic Studies The Akan of West Africa The Igbo of Nigeria The Ancient Hebrews A Turkish Peasant Village The Yanomamo of the Amazon Forest The Ju/’hoansi of the Kalihari -Choose a Cultural Group Investigate one of the cultural groups listed above or in our textbook reading. Answer Focus Questions Answer the following questions as if you are a Cultural Anthropologist conducting an Ethnographic Research Study about your culture: 1. Explain why it is important for you, as an Anthropologist, to understand the kinship, descent, and family relationships that exist in the culture you study. 2. Define the position of people or one person within the family, including their status, role, and expected behavior to perform in the family and/or in that community. If the role has changed over time, please explain. Make sure you are applying this example to your culture under study as if you a Cultural Anthropologist conducting an ethnographic research study. 3. Describe the pattern of family organization of the culture, such as nuclear families, extended families, or joint families. 4. Explain the practical effects of the culture’s family size and discuss how family size influences political alliance formation.

Steps: -Read & Review Ethnographic Studies The Akan of West Africa The Igbo of Nigeria The Ancient Hebrews A Turkish Peasant Village The Yanomamo of the Amazon Forest The Ju/’hoansi of the Kalihari -Choose a Cultural Group Investigate one of the cultural groups listed above or in our textbook reading. Answer Focus Questions Answer the … Read more

1. Introduction When looking at health and disease within the American diet, people may not necessarily know where their food comes from. Within the agricultural farming system, subsidies, the mode of packaging and production, genetic modification, organic labelling, and transportation can be an overwhelming and a confusing process in our food consumption practices and choices. Some of us may choose to purchase from local farms or buy fair-trade goods, but for others, there may not be a local grocery store within the neighborhood to purchase nutritious food items. In the article, “The Hi

1. Introduction When looking at health and disease within the American diet, people may not necessarily know where their food comes from. Within the agricultural farming system, subsidies, the mode of packaging and production, genetic modification, organic labelling, and transportation can be an overwhelming and a confusing process in our food consumption practices and choices. … Read more

Summarize Tennessee v. Garner (1985) and Graham v. Connor (1989) Write an 875- to 1,050-word paper in which you do the following: Summarize Tennessee v. Garner (1985) and Graham v. Connor (1989). How do these cases regulate the use of force by police? What is the three-prong test? How did the two cases above influence policy agencies? Now, choose a police agency in the United States to research for the following questions: Describe the selection process for police officers at your chosen agency. This includes the minimum age and education requirements, as well as the types of selection tests (written, physical, oral boards, etc.). Briefly discuss issues that are affecting the police–community partnership at your chosen agency. Explain how the agency partners with the community to address issues. Consider any public programs the agency offers and whether citizens have roles on advisory boards. Identify if your selected agency shares their use of force policies on their website. How do they investigate use of force incidents? Can a citizen review the use of force reports through the agency website? Discuss the level of transparency the agency provides.

Summarize Tennessee v. Garner (1985) and Graham v. Connor (1989) Write an 875- to 1,050-word paper in which you do the following: Summarize Tennessee v. Garner (1985) and Graham v. Connor (1989). How do these cases regulate the use of force by police? What is the three-prong test? How did the two cases above influence … Read more

Personal Statement Describe a professional situation where you demonstrated one of the following leadership competencies: visionary, strategic, tactical, focused, persuasive, likable, decisive, ethical or inspirational. Describe a situation where you used your skills to solve real-world problems or describe any hardship or struggle you endured to get to where you are today. Give us insight into an entrepreneurial endeavor you spearheaded or were a key contributor to.

Personal Statement Describe a professional situation where you demonstrated one of the following leadership competencies: visionary, strategic, tactical, focused, persuasive, likable, decisive, ethical or inspirational. Describe a situation where you used your skills to solve real-world problems or describe any hardship or struggle you endured to get to where you are today. Give us insight … Read more

Developing Soft Skills Respond to the following in a substantive post (2–3 paragraphs): In one paragraph, describe some soft skills you possess. How did you gain these skills? How might you recommend to others to improve these skills? In another paragraph, describe a soft skill you need to work on developing. What are some tips you’ve picked up that you plan to put into practice? How will this skill help you in your career? One assumed soft skill is downloading software. This is something you’ll be expected to do regularly in an IT role. What sort of things might you need to know in order to download software on the job?

Developing Soft Skills Respond to the following in a substantive post (2–3 paragraphs): In one paragraph, describe some soft skills you possess. How did you gain these skills? How might you recommend to others to improve these skills? In another paragraph, describe a soft skill you need to work on developing. What are some tips … Read more

The Opioid Epidemic: Are doctors who overprescribe narcotic pain medication causing the opioid epidemic?Explain The essay must include the following: Introduction paragraph and thesis statement Topic background paragraph that presents both sides of the debate Body consisting of three claim paragraphs and supporting evidence Conclusion paragraph APA style reference page Formatting Format your essay following American Psychological Association (APA) style using 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Paragraph line spacing to 2.0, double-spacing.

The Opioid Epidemic: Are doctors who overprescribe narcotic pain medication causing the opioid epidemic?Explain The essay must include the following: Introduction paragraph and thesis statement Topic background paragraph that presents both sides of the debate Body consisting of three claim paragraphs and supporting evidence Conclusion paragraph APA style reference page Formatting Format your essay following … Read more

Overview: Write an essay that takes a specific, nuanced position responding to the class’s closed research theme question which is “How can we regulate cyberspace or should we even try?” Use arguments to convince readers of that position, using evidence found in the closed research theme readings and independent library research. (My position is that we should regulate ourselves.) Objective: To develop your own distinct position in response to the class’s closed research theme question; to write an essay in which you present a thesis, frame your positi

Overview: Write an essay that takes a specific, nuanced position responding to the class’s closed research theme question which is “How can we regulate cyberspace or should we even try?” Use arguments to convince readers of that position, using evidence found in the closed research theme readings and independent library research. (My position is that … Read more critique chapter 1 only of the OER textbook questions to answer when Critiquing CHAPTER 1 1. Give the reader a sense of the writers overall purpose & intent, 2. Examine how the structure and language of the text convey is meaning 3. state the importance of each part of the text. 4. make a judgement of the worth or value. critique chapter 1 only of the OER textbook questions to answer when Critiquing CHAPTER 1 1. Give the reader a sense of the writers overall purpose & intent, 2. Examine how the structure and language of the text convey is meaning 3. state the importance of each part of the text. 4. make a … Read more

Cyber Attack Mem Instructions The exclusive use of required texts and readings, as well as resources provided, is mandatory. No outside sources are expected. Complete the following: A recent cyber attack occurred where a botnet type attack targeted a major US defense firm. No physical damage occurred to the firm’s network, but significant technological secrets about a new surveillance and targeting system from the firm, Defense Applications International (DAI), a

Cyber Attack Mem Instructions The exclusive use of required texts and readings, as well as resources provided, is mandatory. No outside sources are expected. Complete the following: A recent cyber attack occurred where a botnet type attack targeted a major US defense firm. No physical damage occurred to the firm’s network, but significant technological secrets … Read more

Industrial Ergonomics You have sustained a flat tire while driving your company vehicle. The vehicle has a spare tire. In this essay, describe the steps necessary to change out the tire. Focus on the following movements: • jacking up the vehicle, • removing the lug nuts, • lifting the flat tire off th

Industrial Ergonomics You have sustained a flat tire while driving your company vehicle. The vehicle has a spare tire. In this essay, describe the steps necessary to change out the tire. Focus on the following movements: • jacking up the vehicle, • removing the lug nuts, • lifting the flat tire off the axle, • … Read more


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