How Does Our Economy Work? Watch the following video before completing this discussion activity. Circular Flow Matrix – How the Economy Works – Econ 1.7 (YouTube – 4:56) ( Circular Flow Matrix- How thCircular Flow Matrix- How  Select & Explore Based on this module week’s summit session, what would you say is the role of firms in our macroeconomy? Do consumers indirectly and/or directly affect our macroeconomy? Discuss how microeconomics and macr

How Does Our Economy Work? Watch the following video before completing this discussion activity.Circular Flow Matrix – How the Economy Works – Econ 1.7 (YouTube – 4:56)( Flow Matrix- How thCircular Flow Matrix- How Select & Explore Based on this module week’s summit session, what would you say is the role of firms in ourmacroeconomy? Do … Read more

Economic impact of Geoturism in natural protected areas in Europe and Spain: Geoparks as an economic incentive in rural areas” Write an article discussing natural tourism Geotourism and how its increasing presence in the tourism sector exerts a huge economic impact on the rural areas where natural parks are located.

Economic impact of Geoturism in natural protected areas in Europe and Spain: Geoparks as an economic incentive in rural areas” Write an article discussing natural tourism Geotourism and how its increasing presence in the tourism sector exerts a huge economic impact on the rural areas where natural parks are located.

Castles and Faith: Architecture in the Middle Ages How does the architecture of the castle converge with that of the monastery and does that say anything about the relation of the secular and the spiritual, even of reason and faith in the Middle Ages? On what sources do the monastic traditions draw for their direction and what intellectual and spiritual roles do they serve?Discuss

Castles and Faith: Architecture in the Middle Ages How does the architecture of the castle converge with that of the monastery and does that say anything about the relation of the secular and the spiritual, even of reason and faith in the Middle Ages? On what sources do the monastic traditions draw for their direction … Read more

Read, research and annotate the short story, The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the poem, Dear John Wayne by Louise Erdrich. Both narrators are expressing dissatisfaction that women and Native Americans have with the conformities of American society. Describe what those conformities are and, based on your research of those issues, write an analytical essay that defends these conformities either still exist or no longer exist for both or either of these groups. General Instructions- Critical to use logic and development and analysis and synthesis and examples of how knowledge as to how to synthesize credible examples in papers

Read, research and annotate the short story, The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the poem, Dear John Wayne by Louise Erdrich. Both narrators are expressing dissatisfaction that women and Native Americans have with the conformities of American society. Describe what those conformities are and, based on your research of those issues, write an … Read more

The Passion of the Western Mind by Richard Tarnas Richard Tarnas asserts that Greek philosophy was, “in the view of many early Christian theologians, a divinely prearranged matrix for the rational explication of the Christian faith” (The Passion of the Western Mind, pp. 100-101). Notwithstanding, “faith was the primary means, and reason a distant second, for comprehending the deeper meaning of things” (ibid., p. 112). With these concepts in mind, Discuss what the Christian response to Platonism, as found, for example and most notably, in the thought of Augustine.

The Passion of the Western Mind by Richard Tarnas Richard Tarnas asserts that Greek philosophy was, “in the view of many early Christian theologians, a divinely prearranged matrix for the rational explication of the Christian faith” (The Passion of the Western Mind, pp. 100-101). Notwithstanding, “faith was the primary means, and reason a distant second, … Read more -must use data base Write at least one argumentative research project with 5-8 pages of formal writing approximately 125 to 2000 words, incorporating at least six college-level sources. Develop cogent arguments that are free of logical fallacies and demonstrate a logical organizational structure. Write an essay in which you argue for or against one of the following: 1. Drunk drivers are involved in more than 50 percent of traffic deaths. 2. Airbags ought to be removed from vehicles because they can kill young children and small-framed adults. 3. The United States government ought to rescind DACA because it is unconstitutional, has yielded terrible humanitarian consequences and was not authorize by cong -must use data base Write at least one argumentative research project with 5-8 pages of formal writing approximately 125 to 2000 words, incorporating at least six college-level sources. Develop cogent arguments that are free of logical fallacies and demonstrate a logical organizational structure. Write an essay in which you argue for or against one … Read more

Mesopotamia, Egypt and India: The Laws of Social Order Across Culture and Time In 5-6 double spaced pages (APA format), discuss the following: In Mesopotamia, Egypt and India we see examples of the earliest formulations of law aimed at establishing and reinforcing social order. Choose a few elements of comparison

Mesopotamia, Egypt and India: The Laws of Social Order Across Culture and Time In 5-6 double spaced pages (APA format), discuss the following: In Mesopotamia, Egypt and India we see examples of the earliest formulations of law aimed at establishing and reinforcing social order. Choose a few elements of comparison and contrast from the Babylonian … Read more

Explore Bruce Schneier’s* website – (Links to an external site.) Choose one essay of interest to you. Summarize the essay in terms that someone with no IT background can understand, and provide your thoughts. Guidelines: Provide one post with a brief summary of the essay (~100 words), and your thoughts on the topic (minimum 200 words). citations should be in APA format.

Explore Bruce Schneier’s* website – (Links to an external site.) Choose one essay of interest to you. Summarize the essay in terms that someone with no IT background can understand, and provide your thoughts. Guidelines: Provide one post with a brief summary of the essay (~100 words), and your thoughts on the topic (minimum … Read more

Final Reflection on literary representations of Protest and resistance: 20% Over the course of this class, we have read from a wide archive to investigate the modes and means of literary representations of protest and resistance. For your final reflection, Write a personal essay describing how you understand the relationship between art and protest using specific examples from our texts. This is a short essay, 2-3 pages, referencing a minimum of three of our texts. One of the three texts must be George Takei’s They Called Us Enemy.

Final Reflection on literary representations of Protest and resistance: 20% Over the course of this class, we have read from a wide archive to investigate the modes and means of literary representations of protest and resistance. For your final reflection, Write a personal essay describing how you understand the relationship between art and protest using … Read more


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