Women’s suffrage Discussion: Historical Analysis This week, you read articles within your webtext about the women’s suffrage movement and the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), two major efforts to establish equal rights for women in the United States. In your discussion post, address the following: Choose one sentence or short section from the article you read on the women’s suffrage movement. Quote the sentence or section in your post and briefly explain how your chosen sentence or section illustrates the concept of historical causality. After reading the article on the ERA, summarize the author’s thesis statement about the ERA in one or two sentences. To support your answer, quote one or two sentences from the article that convey the author’s central point

Women’s suffrage Discussion: Historical Analysis This week, you read articles within your webtext about the women’s suffrage movement and the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), two major efforts to establish equal rights for women in the United States. In your discussion post, address the following: Choose one sentence or short section from the article you read … Read more

Mary, age 77, lives alone in the house where she and her now -deceased husband raised their only son, Michael. She remains close to a core group of friends, all of whom live within just a few miles of her home. She volunteers at a local library and is actively involved at her church. Michael lives 4 hours away by car and keeps urging her to move into a condo down he road from his house so that he can keep an eye on her and help her if she needs it. He is consulting you, a gerontology professional, about convincing his mother to move. Instructions: 1. Write an email in a Word document to Michael, the son in which you offer your professional opinion.

Mary, age 77, lives alone in the house where she and her now -deceased husband raised their only son, Michael. She remains close to a core group of friends, all of whom live within just a few miles of her home. She volunteers at a local library and is actively involved at her church. Michael … Read more

ARISTOTLE (1) According to Aristotle, while people may disagree about to how to achieve it, everyone ultimately desires the same “End” or goal, which for Aristotle is “Happiness.” Why does he refer to it as an “Activity” that only “Man” can experience or appreciate? Why does he say neither animals nor children are “Happy” in his view? Be specific? Ho

ARISTOTLE (1) According to Aristotle, while people may disagree about to how to achieve it, everyone ultimately desires the same “End” or goal, which for Aristotle is “Happiness.” Why does he refer to it as an “Activity” that only “Man” can experience or appreciate? Why does he say neither animals nor children are “Happy” in … Read more

Initial Post Read the following information. In your initial post, respond to each of the questions below. The social determinants of health (SDOH) play an important role in shaping the health and well-being of individuals across the lifespan. It is imperative for healthcare providers to keep an open mind, respect differences, and be aware of implicit personal biases as they assess for social, cultural, economic, educational, and environmental factors influencing health. Review the SDOH (https://health.gov/healthypeople/prio

Initial Post Read the following information. In your initial post, respond to each of the questions below. The social determinants of health (SDOH) play an important role in shaping the health and well-being of individuals across the lifespan. It is imperative for healthcare providers to keep an open mind, respect differences, and be aware of … Read more

Internal Cyber Investigation Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the CRJ626 Unusual VPN Activity Scenario as well as the CyberNav Privacy and Security Policy. You must support your statements throughout the paper with evidence from a minimum of 10 scholarly or professional sources in addition to your t

Internal Cyber Investigation Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the CRJ626 Unusual VPN Activity Scenario as well as the CyberNav Privacy and Security Policy. You must support your statements throughout the paper with evidence from a minimum of 10 scholarly or professional sources in addition to your text. (Access the MSCJ Professional Sources … Read more

Generational differences Write a 700- to 1,050-word reflection evaluating the future impact of these generational differences on learning. Substantiate your claim by incorporating paraphrased material from your two scholarly articles. Follow APA guidelines. In your Microsoft® Word document, click on Insert, and then SmartArt. Identify an appropriate SmartArt graphic. Use the text pane to add information to the chart. In the same document, write your reflection response below your chart1.

Generational differences Write a 700- to 1,050-word reflection evaluating the future impact of these generational differences on learning. Substantiate your claim by incorporating paraphrased material from your two scholarly articles. Follow APA guidelines. In your Microsoft® Word document, click on Insert, and then SmartArt. Identify an appropriate SmartArt graphic. Use the text pane to add … Read more

Gun control Discuss the topic and detail how the topic applies to the student as an individual or to our state or nation as a whole. Discuss why the topic is newsworthy. Give your opinions and discuss why you have those opinions. Make sure your opinions are disclosed as such and not implied to be facts. The 4 Major Sections of Your Paper In most cases, your paper should include four main sections: the title page, abstract, main section, and references list.

Gun control Discuss the topic and detail how the topic applies to the student as an individual or to our state or nation as a whole. Discuss why the topic is newsworthy. Give your opinions and discuss why you have those opinions. Make sure your opinions are disclosed as such and not implied to be … Read more

INSTRUCTIONS (50 points): Imagine that you are a strategic management analyst and prepare a report for the CEO. Post your responses to the following: Describe a firm that you think has been highly innovative Which of the four types of strategic innovation-radical, incremental, disruptive or architectural-did it use? Explain your answer. Did the firm use different types of innovation over time?

INSTRUCTIONS (50 points): Imagine that you are a strategic management analyst and prepare a report for the CEO. Post your responses to the following: Describe a firm that you think has been highly innovative Which of the four types of strategic innovation-radical, incremental, disruptive or architectural-did it use? Explain your answer. Did the firm use … Read more

INSTRUCTIONS FOR YOUR DISCUSSION POSTS Read Mini Case 9, Disney: Building Billion-Dollar Franchises (page 499-502) (50 points): Post your responses to the following: What type of strategic alliance was created between Disney and Pixar? Discuss how Disney achieve competitive advantage from this alliance.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR YOUR DISCUSSION POSTS Read Mini Case 9, Disney: Building Billion-Dollar Franchises (page 499-502) (50 points): Post your responses to the following: What type of strategic alliance was created between Disney and Pixar? Discuss how Disney achieve competitive advantage from this alliance.


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