In clinical practice, the development of a holistic understanding, and treatment aims must be undertaken before a treatment plan can be devised. In this group-based assessment, you are required to develop a holistic understanding (including a mind map), as well as short term treatment aims, using the case study provided. Part A of this assignment will form the foundation of Part B. Instructions: Step 1: Form a group • Groups (3 – 4 members) will be allocated by the Learning Facilitator by the end of Module 1.2 (week 2) • Online group meeting rooms will be available with a group working Wiki for students to share their interests and to discuss the topic allocated and the how to collaborate. • It is essential for all members of the group

In clinical practice, the development of a holistic understanding, and treatment aims must be undertaken before a treatment plan can be devised. In this group-based assessment, you are required to develop a holistic understanding (including a mind map), as well as short term treatment aims, using the case study provided. Part A of this assignment … Read more

Case Study John is a 45-year-old male who presents to your clinic complaining of fatigue, depressed mood and ongoing gastro-intestinal symptoms. Over the last 12 months, John has been experiencing a yellow discolouration to his stools, which are malodours and float. John experiences bloating and a feeling of “heaviness” after meals, and has a tendency towards constipation (passes a stool once every other day). He was diagnosed with gastro oesophageal reflu

Case Study John is a 45-year-old male who presents to your clinic complaining of fatigue, depressed mood and ongoing gastro-intestinal symptoms. Over the last 12 months, John has been experiencing a yellow discolouration to his stools, which are malodours and float. John experiences bloating and a feeling of “heaviness” after meals, and has a tendency … Read more

• This assessment is to be done individually • Students are to write a 1000-word report in response to the UX, CX and Ethical Innovation case study provided and submit it as a Microsoft word file via the TurnItIn portal • You will receive marks for content, appropriate structure and referencing. Assessment Description In this assessment, you will be writing an individual report that encourages you to be creative with business analytics, whilst also developing a response to the UX, CX and Ethical innovation case study that you have selected. Background: In this assessment, you will be developing a response through application of the analytics concepts covered in weeks 10 & 11. To do so, you will need to demonstrate: 1. How Design Thinking principles were applied in the development of your proposed innovation

Assessment 4 Information Subject Code: DATA4900 Subject Name: Innovation and Creativity in Business Analytics Assessment Title: UX, CX and Ethical innovation case study Assessment Type: Individual report Word Count: 1,000 Words (+/-10%) Weighting: 30 % Total Marks: 30 Submission: Portal via TurnItIn Due Date: Sunday 23:55pm (AEST) Week 12 Your Task • This assessment is … Read more

investigates a key issue in the sustainable business management of Amazon. Use the case study provided to write a formal academic report that discusses the following –1. Waste Hierarchy in delivering sustainability (use Waste Hierarchy framework)2. Key sustainable challenges (Social, Environmental and Economic issues) faced by the case company (use Triple Bottom line theory)This means you should demonstrate your understanding of these two key ideas by applying the theoretical ideas covered in the unit teaching and readings to the case study. You must make sure you anchor your research on the case study in academic theory and use examples from the case study to support your answer. You need to use good sources of information and correctly reference the source of your ideas.

investigates a key issue in the sustainable business management of Amazon. Use the case study provided to write a formal academic report that discusses the following –1. Waste Hierarchy in delivering sustainability (use Waste Hierarchy framework)2. Key sustainable challenges (Social, Environmental and Economic issues) faced by the case company (use Triple Bottom line theory)This means … Read more

Assessment 2 CASE STUDY the development of a management information system for a privately owned veterinary of customoisneids software for other organisations. One of the projects the company is currently development o DigiSolzperts is a software solution provider that focuses on the develo requirements, the client expects a reliable and fast system to meet increasing client demands. ewalriklyinagccess hospital, Petz Hospital. This information system is designed to maintain and patient and surgery records

Assessment 2 CASE STUDYthe development of a management information system for a privately owned veterinary of customoisneids software for other organisations. One of the projects the company is currently development o DigiSolzperts is a software solution provider that focuses on the develo requirements, the client expects a reliable and fast system to meet increasing client … Read more

Week 6 – Assignment: Evaluate the Impact of Change and Resulting Resistance to Change Assignment Task: Submit to complete this assignment Due August 7 at 11:59 PM For this assignment, write a paper in which you evaluate the perceived impact of change and resistance to change for the project that you have proposed. Include the following in your paper as a minimum: Examine the cost/benefits of change. Include in this the implications to the organization along with the addressing the key stakeholders? Thread your change through a force field analysis? Thread your change through a stakeholder map analysis? Discuss resistance and the impact of personality and emotions on change? Be sure to analyze your example through one of the change models/theories Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pages References: Minimum of 3 scholarly resources. Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Review APA Form and Style

Week 6 – Assignment: Evaluate the Impact of Change and Resulting Resistance to Change Assignment Task: Submit to complete this assignment Due August 7 at 11:59 PM For this assignment, write a paper in which you evaluate the perceived impact of change and resistance to change for the project that you have proposed. Include the … Read more

Write a research paper discussing how having multiple generations in the workforce is affecting the military and/or emergency responder organizations. Be sure to make at least three recommendations for military leaders or leaders of emergency responder organizations about how to manage some of the issues detailed in your paper. Your paper should be 4-6 pages in length. Include 4-6 scholarly references

Write a research paper discussing how having multiple generations in the workforce is affecting the military and/or emergency responder organizations. Be sure to make at least three recommendations for military leaders or leaders of emergency responder organizations about how to manage some of the issues detailed in your paper. Your paper should be 4-6 pages … Read more

Identify five articles that are relevant to your topic for the final paper, which should be scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article sources that are each 10 years old or newer. Choose at least three references to use in compiling an annotated bibliography in APA Style (7th ed.). Refer to the Annotated Bibliography (Links to an external site.) page in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center for guidance. Create an annotated bibliography using the Annotated Bibliography Template (Links to an external site.) from the Writing Center for your structure. Include a title page (see page 30 for guidelines and a sample on page 32 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed.).

Identify five articles that are relevant to your topic for the final paper, which should be scholarly, peer-reviewed journal article sources that are each 10 years old or newer. Choose at least three references to use in compiling an annotated bibliography in APA Style (7th ed.). Refer to the Annotated Bibliography (Links to an external … Read more

Reflect on own management and leadership skills using a range of models, and develop and justify a personal development plan that will facilitate an increased level of effective management and leadership.(1500 words).Explain the following transferable skills using relevant theory and apply them to an organisation which you are familiar with or one you can research. (If you do not have experience within an organisation, apply best practice from your learning materials to suggest how they should be implemented within a specific organisation). The skills to consider are as follows: supportive communication,motivation,empowerment,conflict management,team effectiveness.(1500 words)

Reflect on own management and leadership skills using a range of models, and develop and justify a personal development plan that will facilitate an increased level of effective management and leadership.(1500 words).Explain the following transferable skills using relevant theory and apply them to an organisation which you are familiar with or one you can research. … Read more

Problem 1 Distance is a key notion underlying many data mining algorithms, such as k-nearest neighbor (k-NN). Why can it be a problem to compare customers using regular Euclidean distance such as when they are described by age (in years), income (in dollars), and number of credit cards? How can this problem be fixed? Problem 2 You currently work for Aperture Science, a small company that sells information technology (IT) products. The lone data scientist at Aperture approach

Problem 1 Distance is a key notion underlying many data mining algorithms, such as k-nearest neighbor (k-NN). Why can it be a problem to compare customers using regular Euclidean distance such as when they are described by age (in years), income (in dollars), and number of credit cards? How can this problem be fixed? Problem … Read more


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