This week we talked about dumpster diving and explored the risks of improperly disposing of sensitive information. Use the tools and techniques from your readings this week to complete the following tasks: Part A: Using common open source information gathering techniques, compile a “dossier” of readily available information about yourself. Consider “dumpster diving” your own trash, use Google and any other public information source to compile as much information on yourself as possible. Describe what information you found and what sources you used. Do not provide personally identifiable information (PII) but do be

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET This week we talked about dumpster diving and explored the risks of improperly disposing of sensitive information.  Use the tools and techniques from your readings this week to complete the following tasks: Part A: Using common open source information gathering techniques, compile a “dossier” of readily available information … Read more

In this Assignment, imagine you have been hired by the federal government as a consultant to construct a research report on the current status of race and the criminal justice system. The MSCJ Assignment: In a 10- to 11-page paper using the Walden University Writing Center Template: Introduce the relationship between race and the criminal justice system. Be sure to include a brief history and examples of significant past and current events that have defined the relationship (2 pages).

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET In this Assignment, imagine you have been hired by the federal government as a consultant to construct a research report on the current status of race and the criminal justice system. The MSCJ Assignment: In a 10- to 11-page paper using the Walden University Writing Center Template: Introduce the … Read more

CASE STUDY: Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault: Jessica Sexual assault includes any type of sexual activity to which an individual does not agree. Because of the effects of some drugs, commonly called date rape drugs, victims may be physically helpless, unable to refuse, or even unable to remember what happened. Jessica, a 16-year-old high school sophomore, expresses concern to the school nurse practitioner that she knows someone who might have had sex “without knowing it.” How can the nurse practitioner answer these common questions? Reflective

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET CASE STUDY: Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault: Jessica Sexual assault includes any type of sexual activity to which an individual does not agree. Because of the effects of some drugs, commonly called date rape drugs, victims may be physically helpless, unable to refuse, or even unable to remember what happened. … Read more

NUR 634 SOAP Note Guide and Template Patient SOAP Note Charting Procedures S = Subjective O = Objective A = Assessment P = Plan Subjective: Information the patient tells the treating team or patient advocate. Symptoms, not signs. These are typically not measurable, such as pain, nausea, and tingling, hence the term “subjective” as opposed to “objective”. Normally, the practitioner is not aware of this information until the patient provides it. Objective: Information gathered by the treating team or provider which is typically observable and measurable, hence “objective” as opposed to “subjective”. Normally, the patient is not aware of this information until the practitioner elicits it. This might include, for example, ranges of motion, body temperature, blood pressure, the presence of a skin rash or wound, comments about the patient’s posture or gait, and the results of examination procedures and testing.

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET NUR 634 SOAP Note Guide and Template Patient SOAP Note Charting Procedures S = Subjective O = Objective A = Assessment P = Plan Subjective: Information the patient tells the treating team or patient advocate. Symptoms, not signs. These are typically not measurable, such as pain, nausea, and tingling, … Read more

Describe how a clinician might use behavioural theory in conceptualising a clinical case.  The paper deals with the main subject of clinical psychology. In addition to this, it incorporates different aspects of the theme such as: Behavioural theory Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Traditional cognitive behavioural therapy Family domain model Psychological model Schema Focused Therapy Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Personality disorder

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET Describe how a clinician might use behavioural theory in conceptualising a clinical case. The paper deals with the main subject of clinical psychology. In addition to this, it incorporates different aspects of the theme such as: Behavioural theory Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Traditional cognitive behavioural therapy Family domain … Read more

Social learning theory focuses on our interpersonal relationships as well as how our actions affect ourselves and others. Watch the video by Dr. Tony Alessandro. Most of us have heard of the Golden Rule “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The Platinum Rule takes this concept a step further. The Lord created us as diverse individuals with distinct characteristics as well as needs. Video: #1 Communication Guru Dr. Tony Alessandra Offer DISC Training to NAWSP (2:29) You have chosen a path of a helping profession…what “you” need may be quite different from those that you serve as we each have a unique life biography. How will you serve those that you encounter based upon “their” needs? Please review Psychology Career Information.docx and review the associated websites before constructing your initial post. Reflect upon your capstone topic and how your research is progressing with your classmates. Connect how you might use the Platinum Rule to solve the problem/question you are researching. You should also integrate how servant leadership and compassion may impact the solution related to your topic. Cite a minimum of two Scriptures to support your response as well as any additional resources.

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET Social learning theory focuses on our interpersonal relationships as well as how our actions affect ourselves and others. Watch the video by Dr. Tony Alessandro. Most of us have heard of the Golden Rule “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The Platinum Rule … Read more

This final should be between 8 to 10 pages for the content, not counting the title page or the reference page. •Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. •APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting. •Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less than 8 pages. •Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points. Write your final research paper and your baseline for your paper is your outline from week 3. Your topic for your final research paper will be based on the topic you selected during week 3. Please ensure to use the headers- Intro, Define, Explain, Defend, Conclusion- for your paper. As a refresh, your outline from week 3 either discussed ethics or a competency.

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET This final should be between 8 to 10 pages for the content, not counting the title page or the reference page. •Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. •APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting. … Read more

Select a managed care plan such as an HMO, PPO, POS, or EPO and discuss its advantages and disadvantages. • Explain the main features of a consumer-directed health plan (CDHP). • Examine one real-life example of a CDHP plan (e.g., Cigna 1500) and another for the selected managed care plan (e.g., Aetna Open Choice PPO) in terms of covered benefits, choice of providers, and level of cost sharing and then determine which one would be the optimal choice for your family. Support your response with at least two scholarly sources published in APA Style within the last five years.

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET Select a managed care plan such as an HMO, PPO, POS, or EPO and discuss its advantages and disadvantages. • Explain the main features of a consumer-directed health plan (CDHP). • Examine one real-life example of a CDHP plan (e.g., Cigna 1500) and another for the selected managed … Read more

Literature review Topic: The impact of Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on academic performance among high school children in North America. The Inquiry questions for the literature review. 1. What are the academic and educational features of high school children with ADHD compared to children who have the symptoms but are not formally diagnosed? 2. Is the academic and educational p

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET Literature review Topic: The impact of Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on academic performance among high school children in North America. The Inquiry questions for the literature review. 1. What are the academic and educational features of high school children with ADHD compared to children who have the … Read more

What effective Personal Selling did “Gordan” use to sell the G Series Pro? Watch the provided video on youtube : Marketing activities other than personal selling, advertising, and publicity that enhance consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness. • Goal is speeding the sales process and increasing sales volume. • Produce best results when combined with other marketing activities, such as advertising. • Cannot overcome poor brand images, product deficiencies, or poor training for salespeople. What effective Personal Selling did “Gordan” use to sell the G Series Pro?

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET What effective Personal Selling did “Gordan” use to sell the G Series Pro? Watch the provided video on youtube : Marketing activities other than personal selling, advertising, and publicity that enhance consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness. • Goal is speeding the sales process and increasing sales volume. • … Read more


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