In this assignment you will practice applying and gain further knowledge about information form the lectures, “Tree of Life Part I” and “Tree of Life Part II”. 1000 WORDS This assignment is due May 19th by 11:59 pm. You will visit two websites, explore them, and answer some questions as you do. Whenever I ask you to answer questions, please do so in the same document, and make sure to include the questions with your answers. Part Ia – Exploring Taxonomy – Relative Taxonomic Diversity 1) Open the lecture slide pdf for the lecture entitled “Patterns of Biodiversity

In this assignment you will practice applying and gain further knowledge about information form the lectures, “Tree of Life Part I” and “Tree of Life Part II”. 1000 WORDS This assignment is due May 19th by 11:59 pm. You will visit two websites, explore them, and answer some questions as you do. Whenever I ask … Read more

Individual business model and plan

t.ksessment I d)14. 3 uue thrice Ye SILOS Asbesea Individual business model and plan (2,500-word limit) Sunday 07 Feb 2021, by 11.55 Pm 40% 2, 5, 9 Submission Details LMS via Turnitin Grading Criteria and Feedback Please see LMS and detailed Grading Criteria below Description of Task Prepare a Business model and plan for an … Read more

Each participant to identify a coaching session or conversation with either a colleague in your organisation: Certificate in Supervisory Management & Team Leadership Assignment, TUS, Ireland

Question 1: Coaching Question Each participant to identify a coaching session or conversation with either a colleague in your organisation or one of your peers on the programme where you decide to use the GROW model as your framework and guide for this conversation. Each participant to write a description on the session including: How … Read more

Instructions- 1. Write in your own words using APA format 2. Use of spinbot or any article spinner is not allowed. You will receive 0 if you use article spinner. 3. This is your personal reflection, so plagiarizing from other students is not allowed 4. Your safe assign score should be less than 50%. 6. Each answer should be at least 150-200 words ,double space, APA format, complete sentences.

Instructions- 1. Write in your own words using APA format 2. Use of spinbot or any article spinner is not allowed. You will receive 0 if you use article spinner. 3. This is your personal reflection, so plagiarizing from other students is not allowed 4. Your safe assign score should be less than 50%. 6. Each … Read more

Clinical Reasoning Cycle

The Clinical Reasoning Cycle Consider the patient situation Reflect on process and new learning Collect cues information Evaluate outcome Evaluate the effectiveness of actinand outcomes. Ask: “has the situation improved now?” Process information Take action Identify problems issues Establish goats Interpret: analyse data to come tom an understanding of signs or symptoms. Compare normal’s abnormal … Read more

Discover the various responsibilities of a project manager by organizing a project. See Chapter 19, sections 19.9 and Cases. Apply project management tools and a PM outline type of your choice to structure and plan the project by defining, planning, and controlling. The project will be a continuation of how to improve the process you chose in Weeks 1 and 2. Create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation (supported by Excel and Word as needed), with detailed speaker notes, that includes the following: Project description

Discover the various responsibilities of a project manager by organizing a project. See Chapter 19, sections 19.9 and Cases. Apply project management tools and a PM outline type of your choice to structure and plan the project by defining, planning, and controlling. The project will be a continuation of how to improve the process you chose in … Read more

Compare and contrast different measures of central tendency and describe what the strength and weakness of each are. Compare and contrast various measures of dispersion and explain what the strength and weakness of each are. Use a dataset of your choice and use ggplot2 to visualize various attributes in the dataset. Do not use a similar dataset as your

Compare and contrast different measures of central tendency and describe what the strength and weakness of each are. Compare and contrast various measures of dispersion and explain what the strength and weakness of each are. Use a dataset of your choice and use ggplot2 to visualize various attributes in the dataset. Do not use a … Read more

EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PROGRAM ECE1110 – COMMUNITIES, FAMILIES & SUPPORT NETWORKS ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINE (Personal Reflections Essay) 45% The student will write an essay summarizing and evaluating families, values, prejudices, beliefs, etc. and how this will affect the way they will develop relationships with the families they will be working with in the future. Due: For Hand-in ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. Start by analyzing your own values and beliefs and how you care to hold those values and beliefs. 2. Reflect on your own personal prejudices and how these may have developed. 3. Reflect on your role within your own personal family unit. 4. Reflect on your views towards the different types of family units that are discussed in class. 5. Look at Canada and share your view on whether or not you feel it is a diverse country. Why or why not? 6. With the awareness you have gained from answering the above questions (1-5), state guidelines you would follow in a childcare setting in order to maintain a non-biased approach to interactions with children, their families, and co-workers. 7. Your essay should be approximately 3 – 5 pages in length and should cover all of the above topics. 8. The assignment must be typed, double spaced, include a title page with name, student I.D.#, instructor’s name, date, and module name and number.

EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PROGRAM ECE1110 – COMMUNITIES, FAMILIES & SUPPORT NETWORKS ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINE (Personal Reflections Essay) 45% The student will write an essay summarizing and evaluating families, values, prejudices, beliefs, etc. and how this will affect the way they will develop relationships with the families they will be working with in the future. Due: For … Read more

Online microbiology lab entitled “Biochemical Testing for Microbial Identification – Methyl Red, Voges-Proskauer, and Catalase Testing” needing to be completed — appx. 15 questions and demonstrations needing to be answered/provided by following lab instructions. Probably need to be familiar with microbiology labs and what should be seen in the outcomes of experiments to complete this! “Your work will need to demonstrate you understand the following: How to culture microbes in MR-VP broth. How to perform biochemical tests on microbes. How to relate experimental results to metabolic pathways of microorganisms.”

Online microbiology lab entitled “Biochemical Testing for Microbial Identification – Methyl Red, Voges-Proskauer, and Catalase Testing” needing to be completed — appx. 15 questions and demonstrations needing to be answered/provided by following lab instructions. Probably need to be familiar with microbiology labs and what should be seen in the outcomes of experiments to complete this! … Read more

Business Law I – Week 7 Assignment Breach of Contract Johnny, a neighbor who is not a merchant under the Uniform Commercial Code, offers to buy a car from Mark for $30,000. Mark asks Johnny for some time to think about it. Johnny says sure. He writes on a piece of paper that he will keep the offer open for two weeks. A week later Johnny sees another car he would rather buy. He purchases that, and then he tells Mark that he is revoking his offer. Two days after that Mark said: “I’m sorry Johnny you made an offer in writing to buy my car. I’m going to hold you to that.” Johnny replied: “Sorry I cannot do that. But I will promise to pay you $10,000 for the help you gave me last year around the house.” Somewhat mollified Mark accepts. A week later and Johnny decided to renege on that promise as well. Fed up, Mark sued Johnny for breach of contract on both the promise to buy the car and the promise for the $10,000. Discuss whether the elements of a contract are satisfied here. Your paper should be 500-750 words, and should include at least two cited external sources.

Business Law I – Week 7 Assignment Breach of Contract Johnny, a neighbor who is not a merchant under the Uniform Commercial Code, offers to buy a car from Mark for $30,000.   Mark asks Johnny for some time to think about it. Johnny says sure. He writes on a piece of paper that he will keep … Read more


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