Summative Assessment: Federal Consent Decree and Procedural Justice Applied  Exam Content In criminal justice, process and procedure are important. If proper discretion is not used, lives are affected and departments within criminal justice, such as the police, are affected as well. If improper discretion is used at any point during the process, there are consequences, and one of those consequences is the use of a federal consent decree to hold those in criminal justice accountable. It requires departments to reform for the good of the departm

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET Summative Assessment: Federal Consent Decree and Procedural Justice Applied Exam Content In criminal justice, process and procedure are important. If proper discretion is not used, lives are affected and departments within criminal justice, such as the police, are affected as well. If improper discretion is used at any point during … Read more

Module 03  Maternal Content Purpose of Assignment Utilize the appropriate technology and/or references/resources, demonstrating accurate use, in order to access reliable data and information that support evidence-based practice in the care of diverse clients during pregnancy. Differentiate the various components of basic physiological nee

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET Module 03  Maternal Content Purpose of Assignment Utilize the appropriate technology and/or references/resources, demonstrating accurate use, in order to access reliable data and information that support evidence-based practice in the care of diverse clients during pregnancy. Differentiate the various components of basic physiological needs as it relates to … Read more

Imagine you work for Nokia in product development. Recently, South Korean company Samsung contacted you about a potential conflict arising from a patent that Samsung holds. They are claiming that Nokia has violated their rights of ownership to the patent. How will you approach the conflict? What kind of power dynamics are likely to be in play? Are there any ethical considerations involved? Which of the moral codes will you adopt in approaching this conflict? Why? (~500 words)

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET Imagine you work for Nokia in product development. Recently, South Korean company Samsung contacted you about a potential conflict arising from a patent that Samsung holds. They are claiming that Nokia has violated their rights of ownership to the patent. How will you approach the conflict? What kind … Read more

Read the following vignette: Ralph is a 28-year-old white male who self-referred to the intake office today. You are being told he needs to see someone immediately and so you make room for him in your schedule. Before meeting with him, you review his intake paperwork including an intake questionnaire. He reported that he recently got back from deployment, but there are no additional details about his rank or nature of deployment. On the question of whether he is currently suicidal, he wrote that he planned on hanging himself but that he owns a gun and has also consid

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET Read the following vignette: Ralph is a 28-year-old white male who self-referred to the intake office today. You are being told he needs to see someone immediately and so you make room for him in your schedule. Before meeting with him, you review his intake paperwork including an … Read more

Session 1 Capstone Milestone For this session, you will write a paper wherein you will integrate the theories that align with your Capstone topic. You may include, but are not limited to selecting from the following theorists/themes for guidance: Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) Kohlberg Vygotsky Piaget Erikson Polyvagal theory/Neuroception Models of identity development Systems theory Attachment theory Indivisible self – Model of wellness Nature versus nurture Mindsight Triune brain 9 Domains of integration

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET Session 1 Capstone Milestone For this session, you will write a paper wherein you will integrate the theories that align with your Capstone topic. You may include, but are not limited to selecting from the following theorists/themes for guidance: Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) Kohlberg Vygotsky Piaget Erikson Polyvagal theory/Neuroception … Read more

Week 3 Assignment – Strategic Planning and Development Introduction Within the last 10 years, the health care industry has seen big changes, not only in philosophy, but also with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. There have been changes in political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors that influence strategic planning. Americans desire increased quality patient care, wellness, and prevention programs. Health care organizations are seeing changes in volume and demographics related to their patients, along with labor and technologies related to the health care organization. For this assignment, select a health care organization from the following list: St. David’s Healthcare

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET Week 3 Assignment – Strategic Planning and Development Introduction Within the last 10 years, the health care industry has seen big changes, not only in philosophy, but also with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. There have been changes in political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental … Read more

Strategic Planning Implementation and Evaluation Introduction Building on the Strategic Plan from Week 3, prepare a 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint with narration of your plan to present to the Executive Committee. Instructions  In this assignment, use the healthcare organization you selected for your Strategic Plan from Week 3. Determine why you are embarking on this strategic planning process, (securing funding, establishing and focusing on organizational priorities, and so on) by creating a 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint to present to your Executive Committee. In this presentation: Establish a clear vision for

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET Strategic Planning Implementation and Evaluation Introduction Building on the Strategic Plan from Week 3, prepare a 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint with narration of your plan to present to the Executive Committee. Instructions  In this assignment, use the healthcare organization you selected for your Strategic Plan from Week 3. Determine why … Read more

In this assignment, you will condense information from Assignment 2 to create a PowerPoint presentation. Faculty Note: If there is a hardship for any student in being able to secure a microphone to complete this assignment, allow the student to use the Notes section of PowerPoint to write a narrative of what he or she would say if actually presenting. Create a seven to nine (7–9) slide PowerPoint presentation in which you

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET In this assignment, you will condense information from Assignment 2 to create a PowerPoint presentation. Faculty Note: If there is a hardship for any student in being able to secure a microphone to complete this assignment, allow the student to use the Notes section of PowerPoint to write a … Read more

Prepared scenario Questions. Scenario 1 Congratulations, you’ve been promoted! All your late nights, big ideas and hard work have finally paid off, and your manager has entrusted you with the responsibility of leading a team As exciting as this time may be, many first-time leaders fail to consider the fact that they are now a step above their former peers, and may be directly in charge of people who were once at their same level.

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET Prepared scenario Questions. Scenario 1 Congratulations, you’ve been promoted! All your late nights, big ideas and hard work have finally paid off, and your manager has entrusted you with the responsibility of leading a team As exciting as this time may be, many first-time leaders fail to consider … Read more

Week 3 Assignment – Strategic Planning and Development Introduction Within the last 10 years, the health care industry has seen big changes, not only in philosophy, but also with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. There have been changes in political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors that influence strategic planning. Americans desire increased quality patient care, wellness, and prevention programs. Health care organizations are seeing changes in volume and demographics related to their patients, along with labor and technologies related to the health care organization. For this assignment, selec

Week 3 Assignment – Strategic Planning and DevelopmentIntroductionWithin the last 10 years, the health care industry has seen big changes, not only in philosophy, but also with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. There have been changes in political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors that influence strategic planning. Americans desire increased quality … Read more


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