Session 1 Capstone Milestone For this session, you will write a paper wherein you will integrate the theories that align with your Capstone topic. You may include, but are not limited to selecting from the following theorists/themes for guidance: Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) Kohlberg Vygotsky Piaget Erikson Polyvagal theory/Neuroception Models of identity development Systems theory Attachment theory Indivisible self – Model of wellness Nature versus nurture Mindsight Triune brain 9 Domains of integration

Session 1 Capstone Milestone For this session, you will write a paper wherein you will integrate the theories that align with your Capstone topic. You may include, but are not limited to selecting from the following theorists/themes for guidance: Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) Kohlberg Vygotsky Piaget Erikson Polyvagal theory/Neuroception Models of identity development Systems theory Attachment theory Indivisible … Read more

Read the following vignette: Ralph is a 28-year-old white male who self-referred to the intake office today. You are being told he needs to see someone immediately and so you make room for him in your schedule. Before meeting with him, you review his intake paperwork including an intake questionnaire. He reported that he recently got back from deployment, but there are no additional details about his rank or nature of deployment. On the question of whether he is currently suicidal, he wrote that he planned on hanging himself but that he owns a gun and has also considered using that. Ralph further reported having made suicidal plans in the past, but never acting on them. He describes his distress as an 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. There is no indication on the intake as to why. He does report a substance dependence history (alcohol) and has been divorced in the last year. He is in an AA support group but has never been to individual therapy before. There is no report of sleep or appetite concerns. Using what you have learned in class about suicide assessment and in the readings, summarize your initial impressions of Ralph. Your summary assessment should reflect on what stands out to you regarding desire, capability, intent, buffers, risk formulation, recommendations for safety planning, and recommendations for next steps. Remember, you are reviewing this paperwork and about to work into an initial session with Ralph so really be thoughtful about how you would move forward.

Read the following vignette: Ralph is a 28-year-old white male who self-referred to the intake office today. You are being told he needs to see someone immediately and so you make room for him in your schedule. Before meeting with him, you review his intake paperwork including an intake questionnaire. He reported that he recently … Read more

Imagine you work for Nokia in product development. Recently, South Korean company Samsung contacted you about a potential conflict arising from a patent that Samsung holds. They are claiming that Nokia has violated their rights of ownership to the patent. How will you approach the conflict? What kind of power dynamics are likely to be in play? Are there any ethical considerations involved? Which of the moral codes will you adopt in approaching this conflict? Why? (~500 words)

Imagine you work for Nokia in product development. Recently, South Korean company Samsung contacted you about a potential conflict arising from a patent that Samsung holds. They are claiming that Nokia has violated their rights of ownership to the patent. l  How will you approach the conflict? What kind of power dynamics are likely to … Read more

Assessment: Project Report (Weightage 100%, Project of 4000 Words Max) Assignment Requirement For this assignment you can choose your organization where you are currently working or where you have worked earlier. If you are choosing any other organization it has to be one about which you have firsthand knowledge so as to fulfill the requirements of the assignment. You will write a Report on the chosen organization’s strategic management changes that it wants to incorporate, to find answers to certain questions set up in the main assignment task given below. The assignment will have the fol

Assessment: Project Report (Weightage 100%, Project of 4000 Words Max) Assignment Requirement For this assignment you can choose your organization where you are currently working or where you have worked earlier. If you are choosing any other organization it has to be one about which you have firsthand knowledge so as to fulfill the requirements … Read more

Wk 2 – Summative Assessment: The Concept of Justice Exam Content Views on justice impact many areas of criminal justice, including the concepts of fairness, equality, and impartiality, and influence the ethical standards you apply in various situations in the field. Your views on justice and how you act in situations will affect the opinions others have of you in the communities you serve. Views on justice also impact actions taken and decisions made that affect the wider population. Assume you have been selected as one of three potential candidates for a new position in your local criminal court. The presiding judge wants to understand your views on substantive justice. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word brief describing the origins of the concept of justice and how you believe they are defined today. Complete the following in your brief: Explain Aristotle’s ethical ideas of distributive and procedural justice. Compare substantive justice and procedural justice, including how procedural justice impacts wrongful convictions and moral perceptions of racial discrimination, such as the Central Park Five and the story of Brian Banks, a former football star. Explain how you understand justice as defined by today’s modern criminal justice agencies. Include reasoning and examples in your explanation to support your opinion. Cite a minimum of 2 references. Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Wk 2 – Summative Assessment: The Concept of Justice Exam Content Views on justice impact many areas of criminal justice, including the concepts of fairness, equality, and impartiality, and influence the ethical standards you apply in various situations in the field. Your views on justice and how you act in situations will affect the opinions … Read more

Summative Assessment: Federal Consent Decree and Procedural Justice Applied [due Mon] Exam Content In criminal justice, process and procedure are important. If proper discretion is not used, lives are affected and departments within criminal justice, such as the police, are affected as well. If improper discretion is used at any point during the process, there are consequences, and one of those consequences is the use of a federal consent decree to hold those in criminal justice accountable. It requires departments to reform for the good of the department and the communities they serve. These decrees require all individuals in a given department to examine themselves, particularly their processes, procedures, and, in many cases, ethical standards. Examples provided in Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice illustrate the importance you must place on procedural justice as an employee in criminal justice. Watch the video “Federal Consent Decrees,” located in the Wk 3 Activities folder. Assume you are the lead criminal legal analyst for a major broadcast news network. The network has asked you to produce an in-depth opinion segment on the use of federal consent decrees in policing across America during these turbulent times. Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word summary editorial that defends your opinion regarding the following questions: What are procedural justice and federal consent decrees? Give examples of their use in current policing, such as use of force policies, in major cities like Los Angeles and smaller cities like Ferguson, Missouri. Do federal consent decrees impact the principle of procedural justice positively or negatively? Include reasoning and examples to support your opinion in your explanation. Cite a minimum of 2 references. Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Summative Assessment: Federal Consent Decree and Procedural Justice Applied [due Mon] Exam Content In criminal justice, process and procedure are important. If proper discretion is not used, lives are affected and departments within criminal justice, such as the police, are affected as well. If improper discretion is used at any point during the process, there are consequences, … Read more

How many pages would be in the “A History of the Earth” book if each page represented 10,000 years of Earth history?

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET Introduction:  One of the most difficult things for the human brain to comprehend is the depth of geologic time because it is challenging to visualize the magnitude of numbers like a million or billion.  This lab explores concepts in relative dating, absolute age dating, and fossil succession to … Read more

Discuss and explain what conflict resolution or handling methods you will utilize to resolve dysfunctional conflicts within your project team.

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET Motivation Strategy As a project leader, identify at least 5 strategies that you can use to motivate your followers. Discuss and explain what conflict resolution or handling methods you will utilize to resolve dysfunctional conflicts within your project team. Managing Stakeholder Engagement Identify at least 5 strategies that … Read more

Describe the product, generally speaking identify what the product is and how it is used, (It is not necessary to describe the product from a technical or mechanical perspective, rather, how will the product benefit the consumer, how will it be used)

GET ALL YOUR ACADEMIC HELP AT ESSAYLINK.NET The following must be included in your marketing promotion project:   Product description and brief history of company Describe the product, generally speaking identify what the product is and how it is used, (It is not necessary to describe the product from a technical or mechanical perspective, rather, … Read more


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