Identify the knowledge and information about the system of criminal justice and its alternative to reduce crime in the community: Security and Offender Management Assignment, DC, Ireland

Question 4:  Identify the knowledge and information about the system of criminal justice and its alternative to reduce crime in the community. The individual courts like Magistrates court, crown court, and court of appeal and their individual activity to reduce the crime and provide justice to the victim are recognized during my learning period. I … Read more

SBFS1103: The objectives of the assignment are to expose learners to critical thinking, and decision-making skills and enhance the learners: Thinking Skills and Problem Solving Essay, OUM, Malaysia

QUESTION The objectives of the assignment are to expose learners to critical thinking, and decision-making skills and enhance the learners’ problem-solving skills through one of the problem-solving tools before making a decision. PART 1: ESSAY Assuming you are a production manager in a semiconductor manufacturing company in Penang. Due to the ease of the COVID-19 … Read more

You are asked to apply Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms to a variant of the Knapsack problem: Certificate in Python Programming Assignment, SETU, Ireland

Problem: You are asked to apply Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms to a variant of the Knapsack problem. In this knapsack problem, you have 20 items in total with each having a separate value and mass. Your objective is to minimize mass while maximizing value. There are 20 items in total you can choose from, … Read more

The learner is required to produce a written assignment that will examine their knowledge of child and adolescent development: Diploma in Child Psychology Assignment, DBS, Ireland

Assignment guideline The learner is required to produce a written assignment that will examine their knowledge of child and adolescent development. Including research into theories of. development change and continuity in infancy, childhood, and adolescence. The learner is to evaluate a range of factors influencing and impacting the psychological development of the child and appraise … Read more

Students are required to identify a topic area of interest that should be framed as a problem to investigate or a suggestion for innovation: Business Research Skills Assignment, CCT, Ireland

Learning Outcomes: Critically analyze the role, function, and importance of research in business for problem identification and solution mapping. Conduct a literature review using a variety of techniques including scoping, sourcing (primary and secondary) critical analysis, and synthesis. Evaluate traditionally and innovative business research methodologies, and develop appropriate qualitative and quantitative empirical data collection tools. … Read more

Explain the objectives of economics as a science and identify and distinguish economic systems: Microeconomics Assignment, CCT, Ireland

Learning Outcomes: Explain the objectives of economics as a science and identify and distinguish economic systems Describe the micro economical business environment and evaluate the business environment through the use of market structure models  Select and apply the appropriate skills required to solve a particular problem, and be able to choose optimally between different models … Read more

H1011: The professionalization of the social care sector stemmed from a need to ensure that all social care: Skills for Success in Social Care Education Assignment, UCC, Ireland

Description of Assessment, Additional Guidelines, and Marking Scheme ‘The professionalization of the social care sector stemmed from a need to ensure that all social care workers have the highest standard of knowledge and skills required to work in a professionalized environment. In your upcoming Practice Placement, you will occupy the role of both teacher and … Read more

Students are required to write individual reflection on their engagement with the team process: Reflective Personal Development 1 Personal Reflection, ATU, Ireland

Students are required to write a 2,500-word individual reflection on their engagement with the team process. As part of the requirements for this assessment, students are expected to engage with regular journaling and reflection on the team process. The reflective diary should provide a rich set of resources that students are called on to reference … Read more

Creating and analyzing and presenting a Power BI dashboard for supply chain management in a factory during Covid-19: Technology for procurement professionals Assignment, GCD, Ireland

Creating and analyzing and presenting a Power BI dashboard for supply chain management in a factory during Covid-19 Students will be asked to use their creativity to construct an inventory database in Excel  and Power BI dashboard for the following department area that reflects some of the current shortages in supply chains for consumers worldwide … Read more


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